“The Golden Rule! That’s what I adhere to; I have no need for a God or a Bible or a religion.” That was the impatient old man’s response when he learned I represented Jesus Christ. Did he really adhere to the Rule? There was no evidence of it in the short time I was with him. It’s more likely he said that to get rid of me. People say and do all kinds of things when their cage has been rattled by the Spirit of God. Some get religious, some get philosophical and some get angry. He cared nothing for the Giver of the Golden Rule. So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets Matthew 7:12.
Perhaps there is an odd exception, but I think it fair to say people who, “have no need for a God or a Bible or a religion,” adhere to their own rule/s, not the Golden Rule. In other words, as long as they’re treated well they’ll reciprocate in like manner; if they think they’re being treated other than well they’ll reciprocate in like manner again! “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” That’s the common phrasing of most people claiming to adhere to the Golden Rule, but when mistreated or rattled, it turns into a non-spoken, “Do others before they do you!” That was the non-spoken message of the impatient old man. Mention the Lord Jesus Christ in your conversations with people and you’ll discover quickly what rule they adhere to; rarely is it the Golden Rule.
However, given that there’s an increasing number of people in the Western world telling us they do not have need for a God or a Bible or a religion, but that they do adhere to the Golden Rule, what should their society look like? Let’s take the words, ‘respect’ ‘courtesy’ ‘consideration’ ‘thoughtfulness’ ‘politeness’ ‘civility’ ‘appreciation’ and ‘honor’ for example. These words they would turn into actions towards others, not only at social gatherings and what have you, but too in the workplace, on the streets, in bars and night clubs, waiting in long queues, when encountering those considered not to be part their social status, and so on. This is how Golden Rule adherents desire to be treated, so that’s the way they should set out to treat others without waiting to be treated as such first.
How about acquisitiveness or avarice? Would Golden Rule adherents subscribe to these? No way! They would work diligently for material things but not greedily. In addition they would be willing to share with people less fortunate than themselves when discerning their needs. Envy and jealousy would be out the door; admiration and generosity would walk in. Negative competitiveness, strife, friction, discord – all gone. Co-operation, harmony, peace, accord – all present. Slander, unkindness, bitterness – all gone, Acclamation, kindness, sweetness – all present. Is this what we witness in the society of Golden Rule adherents? No, it is not. And so we see, people who say they have no need of a God or a Bible or a religion, they don’t adhere to the Golden Rule either.
Online “social” media networks such as Facebook show us the true heart of people; most of whom would say they are Golden Rule adherents if you mentioned it. In other words, quote, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” to them and they’ll respond in the affirmative. Is that the reality though? No. Certainly it is not if you happen to be a born-again, Bible-living Christian. Quote Bible Scriptures other than any with an emphasis on love and they’ll do you in a flash! Even the “nicest” and “tolerant” people will quickly demonstrate they are neither nice nor tolerant. And, those in their 70’s and 80’s can be the worst of them, which I find fascinating because they grew up in an era when Christian influences were still respected in society.
One person fitting the description, character and age bracket mentioned in the above paragraph, I have known over 30 years. In that time she has been fully aware of my stand for all things Christian from the biblical perspective. I’ve experienced no snide remarks or criticisms from her regarding this even though her politics are Socialist-cum-Communist. But since our latest (Australia) Conservative Prime Minister, also a Christian, came into power, her true colors have unashamedly risen to the top in “social” media. What am I noticing? She despises him just as much for his public confession of Christianity as she does his Conservative politics. Am I surprised? Not in the slightest; people always reveal their inner selves sooner or later.
“If only he (she, they) would be like me!” That’s the unspoken but virtuous attitude that shows up in Golden Rule adherents I have known since becoming a Christian. That’s what is clearly demonstrated in the criticisms from the woman referred to above. What are these people saying to us as Christians? They’re saying they are just as good as we are even though they have no need of a God or a Bible or a religion. Virtuous: ‘righteous’ ‘good’ ‘moral’ ‘ethical’ ‘upright’ ‘upstanding’ ‘right-minded’ ‘right-thinking’ ‘principled’ ‘law-abiding’ ‘blameless’ ‘guiltless’ ‘just’ ‘honest’ ‘honorable’ ‘incorruptible’ – that’s how they truly see themselves. Modesty doesn’t allow too many of them to openly express it but that’s where they’re at; that’s their delusion.
So the all-important question to ask then, how does God see Golden Rule adherents? He sees them in the same way He sees everyone He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for – lawless and rebellious. We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment (filthy rags)…… Isaiah 64:6. Somebody says, “That’s Old Testament!” Yes, it is. The New Testament quotes Old Testament too. There is none righteous, no, not one…… There is none who seeks after God…… There is none who does good, no, not one…… There is no fear of God before their eyes Romans 3:10, 11-12, 18. That disastrous predicament doesn’t change until we humble ourselves before God, repent and turn to the now living Christ and receive His righteousness.
The following Scriptures explain in detail those quoted in the above paragraph. Without Christ, we remain in a spiritually dark place indeed: filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful Romans 1:29-31. That’s why we need a the God; that’s why we need a the Bible; that’s why we need a religion the Savior, Jesus Christ. Take a long, serious look at that list. That’s what Christ took on our behalf – all in exchange for His righteousness. Golden Rule adherents must be spiritually awakened to this truth.
Yes, Jesus certainly endorses, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” but never apart from the guidance and power of Himself; that’s why He sent His Holy Spirit to His people. With the Holy Spirit there’s no partiality. Again, perhaps with an odd exception, Golden Rule adherents are not impartial; they pick and choose who they’ll apply their rule to. Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-led people won’t do that no matter what it might cost them, short term or long term; they look to no man for anything but the Man Jesus. My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory James 2:1. True, like Golden Rule adherents, there are people associated with Churches who do show partiality, but if they’re true to the Lord He will bring the necessary adjustments.
On the other hand, there are Golden Rule adherents associated with churches who care nothing for the rule of the biblical Jesus Christ and are, therefore, doing their utmost best to rid Him from their fellowships. The warning of this was first given by the apostle Paul in 66 AD. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables 2 Timothy 4:3-4. “Fundamentalists,” and “legalists,” they label us, which is common for people possessing an inability to argue from biblical logic and facts rather than misguided feelings, emotions and opinions.
What is to become of church-associated Golden Rule adherents? The same as those not associated with churches; if they continue rejecting the biblical Jesus Christ, lawless and rebellious they remain in His eyes, regardless of their beliefs to the contrary. Christ has nothing to say to people in such a spiritual condition except, “Repent.” That calls for a dramatic change of mind, purpose, opinions and inclinations. There is no other way for one to change his or her conduct. People say, “That is impossible!” They are right too; it is impossible, but only for human beings, not for God. With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible Matthew 19:26. That is why we need the Savior, Jesus Christ; that is why He came to earth. His gospel message never changes! In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God John 1:1
© 2019 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.