Quote: “…..much of what is called Christianity today is not the Christianity of the New Testament; it is distinctly different…… Jesus is not the fountainhead of modern Christianity. He is scarcely thought about. Christian preachers, Sunday School teachers, religious books, all without any apology patronize Jesus Christ and put Him on one side. We have to learn that to stand true to Jesus Christ’s point of view means ostracism; the ostracism that was brought on Him. Most of us know nothing whatever about it.” – Oswald Chambers. I’m not sure when he made that statement, but given he died in 1917, it was over 100 years ago at least.
So what would it take for the Church to blast “modern Christianity” back to the pit of hell? It would take Holy Spirit-given humility. However, what is commonly thought of as humility and expressed in too many churches is false. It is not a doormat humility and it’s not a bowing and scraping kind like that of the Dickens character, Uriah Heep. Holy Spirit-given humility comes as a result of a laid-down life; it loves what God loves and hates what God hates and it speaks to such accordingly. Thy will be done, Lord, not my will. Just like our Lord Jesus, with such humility comes Holy Spirit-given authority. Behold, I give you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means harm you Luke 10:19.
Holy Spirit-given authority, as far as the Bible is concerned, is never limited solely to the one, two or few in church leadership. It does not usurp church leadership but it does bring to its attention anything that seeks to unapologetically “patronize Jesus Christ and put Him on one side.” In other words, Holy Spirit-given authority reminds the church that Jesus Christ is its Head, not Doctors of Divinity or Theology, not denominations, not doctrines and not extra-biblical teaching, whether the latter compliments or clashes with the Bible’s authority. If that authority is rejected then those expressing it will get up and leave that church. Any church that dismisses Holy Spirit-given authority dismisses the authority of Jesus Christ. Such a “church” then, is reduced to a human-centered religious institution.
For the Church to blast “modern Christianity” back to the pit of hell, it would take Holy Spirit-given courage; the same courage expressed by Paul the apostle, who did not hesitate to rebuke his fellow apostle, Peter, when he played the hypocrite and was not straightforward about the truth of the gospel in the church at Antioch Galatians 2:11-21. Some visiting religious legalists there snared Peter, momentarily causing both he and Barnabas to cast aside their Holy Spirit-given courage. The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe Proverbs 29:25. If it is not religious legalism controlling “modern Christianity” it is religious liberalism. Most certainly both need a blasting back to the pit of hell!
What is religious legalism? Basically it is a graceless, faithless, falsely humble, works-based religious practice; a strict, loveless, joyless, lifeless and passionless obedience to rules and regulations as a means of winning God’s favor for a ticket to heaven. It is a rote-like mechanical form of law-keeping whereby the adherents become preoccupied with a series of ‘thou shalt’ and ‘thou shall not’ laws. They add their own rules, regulations and obligations to God’s law as well, treating them equally as divine, ……teaching as doctrines the commandments of men Matthew 15:9. Religious legalism shuns God’s grace. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast Ephesians 2:8-9.
What is religious liberalism? Basically it is the proud, arrogant rejection of the Bible as God’s final authority for mankind; human reason is the final authority. Religious liberalism seeks to reconcile Christianity with secular science and “modern” thinking; it treats science as all-knowing and the Bible as a book of fictions and myths. IE: It is not inspired of God. The Bible’s authors are not who they’re traditionally believed to be. The virgin birth of Christ is a myth. Jesus was a good moral man and teacher. He was/is not God Almighty Incarnate. Jesus didn’t rise from death in bodily form. There is no after-death judgment and hell is a myth. Love for our fellow human being becomes the all-encompassing issue. These and more confirm the Bible; it tells us such denials would come.
Christians empowered with Holy Spirit-given courage have learned or will soon learn by experience that “to stand true to Jesus Christ’s point of view means ostracism.” They will experience this from fellow Christians and non-Christians alike, even family members. This is not a put-down of these people, neither is it a self-elevation; it is a reality that must be faced. Ostracism was Jesus’ experience and will be ours if we make ourselves willing to become true Christ-ones. Follow Me Matthew 9:9. For I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us Romans 8:18. If our desire is to reign with Christ in the millennium, we must be prepared to experience ostracism in the present. It will be worth it.
For the Church to blast “modern Christianity” back to the pit of hell, it would take Holy Spirit-given unity. Not the unity churches across the globe called for back a few decades ago. The Holy Spirit had nothing to do with that. That was the work of the religious spirit; a bunch of dying church denominations “uniting” so as to slow down the inevitability of their death! Holy Spirit-given unity brings life into the church, not death; it expresses Christ, not man. Similar to the rebuke of Luther to Erasmus: Holy Spirit-given unity sits under the Scripture and lets it be the judge in all matters; today’s church “unity” sits above the Scripture and judges it in all matters. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1.
There is Holy Spirit-given unity expressed in the Church world-wide, but only if we think of the Church as a divine organism – a living spiritual body. Quote: “An organism carries the implication of something that’s alive. It has a Head; Christ is the Head, and it all derives from Him, whereas an organization, anyone can put an organization together.” – Dave Hunt. True, the Church is also a divine organization, but it is “put together” by Jesus Christ Himself using only people He has called, not those who call themselves. And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints (believers) for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ…… Ephesians 4:11-12.
Additional quote from Oswald Chambers: “Remember that a disciple is committed to much more than belief in Jesus, he is committed to his Lord’s view of the world, of men, of God and of sin.” Belief in Jesus changes nothing; believing Jesus and then acting upon such, changes everything. It’s not until we do believe and act do we see that the world operates according to a corrupt value system, that men (people) are hopelessly trapped in the system, that the root cause of it all is sin and that men (people), until spiritually awakened, violently despise Jesus’ doctrine of sin. Once awakened, they see the God they once despised through spiritual eyes – a merciful, loving, sin-forgiving and sin-forgetting God. This reality it is, that causes them to become not just believers, but disciples of Christ.
So let’s look at where we’re at now: For the Church to blast “modern Christianity” back to the pit of hell, it would take Holy Spirit-given humility, authority, courage and unity. What about Holy Spirit-given love, wisdom, knowledge and discernment? Just like humility, I am suggesting they too would come as a result of a laid-down life. Thy will be done, Lord. Do I believe this will become a reality? Will the Church ever blast “modern Christianity” back to the pit of hell? Probably not. But that’s the way to do it and I believe Jesus would support it if the Church acted. The seeds of “modern Christianity” were sown and sprouted from the time of the apostles, coming to full bloom in both Oswald Chambers’ and our day. I believe the Lord is disappointed the Church collective has not done more.
What to do then? Under the Holy Spirit’s ministry we can start with ourselves, if we have not already. Lay down the self life. Seek Holy Spirit-given humility, authority, courage and unity. Love, wisdom, knowledge and discernment will follow. If we have started we can maintain it; after all we are the Church and this is to be the normal Christian life. That which is less is abnormal! That’s not what Christ came and died for, then rose again. We must not allow the devil and his religious crowd to put Jesus Christ “on one side.” Blast “modern Christianity” back to the pit of hell. All authority has been give to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Matthew 28:18-19. Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me Mark 8:34.
© 2018 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
Perfectly said, and (again) dove-tails with a project I’m working on. The theme of returning to the gospel Jesus delivered and being taught the same way He taught His disciples.
I always enjoy and value your no-holds-barred posts. In other words, truth.
Thank you, Roger.
“….being taught the same way He taught His disciples.”
That’s it, Lynn … learning and experiencing the ministry and power of the Lord “on the job” outside the 4 walls of the church leaves no room for doubt.
Thank you and bless you, Lynn.