The Evolutionary Humanism “values” List

On her website, a Democratic Party nominee for District Attorney in Boston, USA, lists fifteen criminal offenses that she will decline to prosecute if she is elected. Her quote to a TV presenter: “We are spending too much time on petty crimes that are clogging up our system and costing us more money.” Some of the petty crimes listed: trespassing, shoplifting (under $250), disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, receiving stolen property, minor driving offenses, including driving under a suspended license, wanton or malicious destruction of property, drug possession, plus the intent to distribute such and, resisting arrest.

Should we be surprised? Not if you believe the word of Jesus Christ. He told us what to expect as this current age fast approaches the end. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold Matthew 24:12. Lawlessness – it refers to both God’s law and man’s law; we are fast approaching the day of total disregard for both. Meanwhile, violence, brutality, immorality and every other moral vice you can think of are on military march, double time! So fast is the pace now that law-makers and law-keepers can’t keep up. And when it’s money calling the shots, compromises are guaranteed to rule the day. This DA nominee is not the first to decline to prosecute crimes like these, she’s simply the first to publicly state it.

This is one of the primary frustrations of law-abiding police men and women across the globe these days. They do the hard yards in tracking down the “petty” criminals, they build their cases for valid prosecutions, they present them before magistrates or judges, only to have him or her come down on the side of the law-breaker, not the law-keeper. No wonder the rapid decline of police personal within less than 10 years of being in the job. Soon the day will be that there will be few prosecutions for crime to speak of, because there will be few arrests. In other words, wait until there are but few arrests for sexual crimes, serious bodily harm, home invasion bashings and burglaries, property and motor vehicle thefts and the like; lawlessness will morph into chaos.

Of course, when mentioning such realities to most people I come in contact with, I get that, “you’re-such-a-doom-and-gloom-merchant” look, if not the comment itself! But I speak of this from a divine perspective always, never from a human perspective. But know this, that in the last days perilous (difficult, dangerous, furious, fierce) times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money,…… without self-control, brutal (fierce, savage), despisers of good, traitors…… 2 Timothy3:1-5. Yes, in its biblical context, that Scripture speaks of religious, church-goers, but if people are going to be like that in a church, what do you think people are going to be like who have nothing to do with a church, especially when God’s hand of restraint is lifted off them completely?

Think of it now, how many in recent years have had their homes or property or motor vehicles vandalized and they did nothing about it because they knew there’s not a lot the police can or will want do about it? “The paperwork is just not worth it,” seems to be the implication, if not verbalized. Perhaps the deeper truth too, they know the prosecution will not be upheld. Well, think of the same outcome when crimes of the more serious nature become the norm. That’s the reality up ahead, especially is it so when the Bible church is gone. Doors will be kicked in, people will be physically violated, their goods and property will taken before their eyes and there will be nothing they can do about it. Worse: the “petty” criminals will return after a time of settling and repeat it over.

You see, in God’s eyes, lawlessness is like cancer. If it is not dealt with in its early stages it develops into that which becomes totally unmanageable; we know the end result of that! Eventually it kills, but in the process horrendous pain and destruction are part of the deal. People say in reference to today’s increasing crime, “Things are getting worse by the day. It was never like this years ago.” And no, once upon a time it was not, because society’s leaders, law-makers and law-keepers adhered to Judeo/Christian values, which in turn held lawlessness in check. Gradually over the years those values have been rejected; evolutionary humanism “values” are bowed to now in the West, which in real terms are simply the bastard children of godless Communism, Socialism and Marxism. 

Subscribing to Judeo/Christian values can be likened to a building foundation set on solid rock. Picture Edinburgh Castle, or those similar in parts of Europe; they’re built into rock so solid nothing can shift them. That’s what God gave us in His value system; when it is honored by man it is honored by God. Nothing can shift it because God Himself stands behind it. Imagine now if those Castles were set in sand; imagine, is all we could do in fact because any evidence they once sat there would be gone. In spite of the appearances otherwise, that is always going to be the outcome of holding to evolutionary humanism “values.” In the long run there’s nothing to support them. A principle of Universal Law: wrong choices never produce right outcomes.

Subscribing to evolutionary humanism “values” adds nothing to a person’s life, they subtract. Worse: they steal! They steal one’s God-given uniqueness, self-worth and dignity precisely in the same way religious cults steal it. To God, the individual is everything, the collective is something. To the humanist, the collective is everything, the individual is nothing. There is no collectivist mentality in the Bible church in spite of the fact that people gather together there in Christ’s name. That means when the Lord ministers, it is to each person – one on one, not to the group as such. When the group separates, it is Jesus’ ministry each one goes with back into the home, the workplace or wherever, but a group-think mentality is never part of it.

The DA nominee’s decision not to prosecute for “petty” crimes if elected, will not unclog the system and neither will it reduce costs; both will skyrocket. Once the offenders know they’re not going to be prosecuted, they’ll continue to offend. Even a two-year old child teaches us that truth. Just as chaos will rule in the home if the child is not disciplined, so it is with offenders when not disciplined. They go on to commit bigger and “better” crimes that most surely do clog the system further up the line. Think of the costs of that! Now I’m not saying jail is the only answer to these problems, but prosecution is certainly part of the answer. Adherence to Judeo/Christian values teaches offenders to face their culpability for wrong doing, to own it, then make restitution for it.

Of the few offenders I have met, low self-worth was clearly evident. Brought up in home environments where ignorance and superstition were the primary influences, this is to be expected. Couple that with evolutionary humanism “values” they’re taught in schools and you have a recipe for disaster! Take a look at the so-called anti-fascist activist groups as an example. None of them as individuals know who they are! If they did, they would avoid that mob like the plague. Fact: people possessing healthy self-worth, smash and bash neither property nor people. Of course, when one sees evolutionary humanism for what it truly is – godless Communism, Socialism and Marxism, then one understands why they do it. They’re simply following orders of criminals believing themselves to be the Elite.

Evolutionary humanism “values” are designed to attack not only Judeo/Christian values, they are designed to attack God Himself. Everything in opposition to God’s revealed standard is an attack on Him. And God is allowing it to happen. Why? It confirms everything He tells us about the unregenerate heart of man, that it is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked Jeremiah 17:9. Those whose heart He regenerates see the profound truth of it and those who refuse to be regenerated will see the profound truth of it when they stand before Him at the Final Judgment. The sentence of eternal death passed upon them there will be righteous and just; there will be no devil whispering lies in their ear, so they’ll agree they are without excuse for their attacks on, and denials of Him.     

Lawlessness sits at the top of the evolutionary humanism “values” list. Sitting under it in no particular order are: deceit, deception, lies, disobedience, immorality, anger, fear, worry, bitterness, hatred, confusion, jealousy, pride, envy, violence, brutality, mental and physical sickness, destruction, death and murder. Truth sits at the top of the of the Judeo/Christian values list. Sitting under it in no particular order are: the very opposites of the list above. How does one get delivered from the first into the second? Through submitting one’s life to the Lord Jesus Christ, who took our lawlessnesses and died on a Roman cross in our place for them. Don’t die without Christ! Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth go before Your face Psalm 89:14. You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness….. Hebrews 1:9.

© 2018 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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