Quote: “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” – George Orwell. Well then, given that Western society has drifted advanced with rapid speed towards God-denying Communist and Social Marxist ideologies in recent years, this must confirm these ideologies are based or grounded upon lies, not truth! How come? Those who speak for them are loved, respected and idolized, not hated. If you, reader, are an advocate of these ideologies, you need to give this some long and serious thought. If these ideologies are based upon truth, as you believe them to be, then why are you not hated?
How about you who claim to represent Jesus Christ, but stand with these same advocates espousing pro-Socialism, anti-Capitalism, pro-Palestinian State, anti-Israeli State, sexual deviations and perversions, pro-abortion and man-made climate change? If you believe these are all based upon truth and that Christ affirms your beliefs, why are you not hated? Allow me to part-answer the question from the biblical perspective: truth divides, it does not unite. Jesus has made it clear. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice John 18:37. No matter which game you play seeking to twist the Scriptures of God, you will not hear the voice of Christ in them. No Scripture can be found to support any Communist and Social Marxist ideology. They are all anti-God and anti-Christ, spawned from the pit of hell.
That which is founded and grounded upon truth manifests itself in spiritual liberty and peace. Where does one witness the evidence of these attributes among advocates of Communism and Social Marxism? Look into the eyes and listen to the speech of street protesters and rioters standing for these things; do you witness evidence of such? No. You witness bondage, bitterness, rage and abuse. The question then, why is that so? It is because they are not at all sure of who they are as individuals, or what they stand for, or why they stand for it. Those who know the truth and take their stand upon it know all those things. That’s why they express the opposite behaviors when targeted. Jesus said the truth will make you free John 8:32, and we biblical followers of Christ are the evidence this is so.
Many years ago Bob Dylan sang of a political murderer, “But it ain’t him to blame, he’s only a pawn in their game.” Truth is, pawns are what these advocates are to the political Globalist Elite hiding behind the facades of these plus other ideologies; pawns in their game to control all peoples of the world. “The Global Community,” the in-crowd and the gullible like to call it. Check out its Area of Control: Finance and Economics, Media and Culture, Government and Military, Education, Science and Technology, Religion, Corporate Business, Resources, Law, Health and Medicine, Philanthropy and Non-governmental Organizations, plus Secret Societies. Eventually the Elite will rule the world, but under the One-World Dictator spoken of in Revelation 13:1-18. This Dictator is prophesied to become the Ultimate Murderer!
Perhaps, “More conspiratorial theory!” is your charge here, reader. It would be a wrong charge based on a statement made by James Warburg in 1950, “We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.” And again one by Arthur Schlesinger Jr in 1995, “We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.” Yes, both men are dead now but the goal lives on as it has done for hundreds of years. In other words, by peace or by war the Globalist Elite are hell-bent on seeing their Global plans come to pass. During the reign of the Dictator during the Tribulation period, there will be peace of sorts for a time, but then it will be followed by war on a scale such as has never been seen or experienced before across the globe.
From the get-go, I suspected the allegations that Trump colluded with the Russians during the 2016 US presidential elections were a lie. Why? The same reasons; the majority of people everywhere were and are united in their belief that he did collude with them. But again, truth divides; truth is despised. Which in turn, gives me strong cause to believe Putin when he says there was no collusion. Both men speak the truth and almost the entire truth-despising, lie-loving world, inflamed by a truth-despising, lie-loving media don’t believe them. Headline this week: “Treasonous. Trump-Putin summit leaves US leaders aghast.” Indeed, they have a grand reason to be aghast; the Elite among them are going to be exposed sometime in the future; God Almighty Himself is personally seeing to it.
In saying truth divides, I am also saying lies unite! Yes, they do. Lies unite. Every dictatorial despot since time immemorial has known the power of the lie and has milked it to the utmost. Political despots, religious despots, behind-closed-door despots, it matters not who they are, it is the lie that empowers them all, not the truth. And as Hitler and Goebbels said in their day, the greater the lie plus the repetition of it, the greater will it be embraced by people because they’ll believe it to be the truth. In addition, the greater the lie is embraced, the greater will it be defended by the people. Jesus said of Satan the devil, When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it John 8:44b. And since the whole world lies under his wicked sway, lies will rule the day until Christ returns.
So how does one put to the test what is truth and what is a lie? One can only do so by doing what most people in every generation have dared not do, and that is to ask honest questions: What do I believe? Why do I believe it? What or who is the source of my belief? Where is the evidence? For example, everybody experiences the truth of the universal laws of gravity and physics. One decent trip of the foot and one decent walk into a fixed object without looking is proof-test enough that those laws exist. The universal law of truth is no different; everybody knows when they violate that law – especially when they’re young. Guilt of conscience is the proof-test. It is only later after many more violations of it do we allow our conscience to become seared with a hot iron 1 Timothy 4:2.
So we must ask what Pontius Pilate asked Jesus Christ 2000 years ago but dared not hang around for the answer because he was devoted to lies, “What is truth?” John 18:38. Had he hung around he would have heard Jesus tell Him, “I am the truth.” A Bible teacher of former days said, “Truth is the actual state of affairs as contrasted with rumor, false report and mythology.” All truth originated from Jesus Christ, the Owner of Truth. In the beginning was the Word (Jesus Christ) and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it John 1:1-5.
Quote: “And the Word was God; not made a God, as He is said here after to be made flesh; nor constituted or appointed a God, or a God by office; but truly and properly God, in the highest sense of the word, as appears from the names by which He is called; as Jehovah, God, our, your, their, and my God, God with us, the mighty God, God over all, the great God, the living God, the true God, and eternal life; and from His perfections, and the whole fullness of the Godhead that dwells in Him, as independence, eternity, immutability, omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence; and from his works of creation and providence, His miracles, the work of redemption, His forgiving sins, the resurrection of Himself and others from the dead, and the administration of the last judgment; …….” – John Gill.
If history is correct, Pilate never did embrace the truth. Apparently he committed suicide later in life. And that’s what grieves me the most about today’s advocates, blindly clinging to these God-denying Communist and Social Marxist ideologies, believing they’re on the side of truth. Slowly but surely, suicide is what they’re committing, not physically, but spiritually. That is not the will of God for any human being. If it was, we would not read of this written appeal from Him made 600-odd years before Christ: “For I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies,” says the Lord GOD. “Therefore turn and live!” Ezekiel 18:32. The Globalist Elite are the wizards behind the curtain pulling the strings; they have no love for Communism and Social Marxism and no respect for any advocate who does!
And so once again, I appeal to you advocates clinging to these ideologies. If they are based upon truth, as you believe them to be, then why are you not hated? I’ll tell you who does hate you – the Globalist Elite! Believe it! You’re only a pawn in their game. That is all Karl Marx was to them. That is all the Germans and Hitler were to them. That is all the Russians, Lenin and Stalin were to them and later, the rest who controlled the Soviet Union – pawns in their game! Believe it! George Orwell spoke the truth about the truth, as did the Man Jesus Christ, the Owner of truth 1940-odd years before him. Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom Psalm 51:6. His truth shall be your shield and buckler Psalm 91:4b. The entirety of Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever Psalm 119:160.
© 2018 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.