Self-righteous Finger-pointers

“God is exposing their hearts at last,” I read somewhere recently, in reference to sexual harassment allegations made against Weinstein, Spacey, Frankel, Conyers, Moore and whoever else on the list. Well, maybe God is exposing them, but if He is, may I suggest that perhaps He is exposing the hearts of many accusers too, speaking of those who have had no encounters with these men, or others. “Hypocrites!” That’s the common charge being thrown at the men too. Again, perhaps that’s so; but what about these unharmed accusers; can not the same charge be thrown at them?

Let’s take Hollywood; what has it been famous for in the past 40-plus years? Quality entertainment? Wholesome, moral, family oriented movies and television? How about the upholding of Judeo/Christian values in all of what they’ve been churning out in that time? In other words, the messages they’ve sought to promote over those years, have they been influenced from heaven or from hell? We know the answer. Sexual depravity, immorality, degeneracy, perversions and addictions – that’s the “fruit” Hollywood has produced in that time. The blasphemy, the filthy language, the porno scenes and the bordering-on porno scenes; where has the outrage been for all of that in 40 years? So why the outrage everywhere now?

As for the politicians mentioned, guilty or not, there’s always been politicians like them, so why the outrage now? At the time of writing, a well-known Australian TV personality is being accused of indecent assault and sexual harassment going back over 30 years. A TV interview from 2011 shows him expressing his sexual pleasures with foul language. One of the women, giving the appearance of being shocked but laughing, gets up to leave. She then sits down, laughing. No outrage from anyone back then about this man’s behavior and language that I know of so why the outrage now? I’m suggesting, had it not been for the allegations made against Weinstein & Co and the publicity given them none of us would be any the “wiser” about this man!

So again, why the outrage now and not 30-plus years ago when it all supposedly first started? Besides, is this not the age where it’s taught there’s no such thing as right or wrong, good or evil? Is this not the age of hedonism? “If it feels good, go ahead and do it.” What happened to that philosophy? What happened to the apostles of it? Have they had a divine awakening? Not on your life! This outrage has nothing to do with a newly-found godly-righteousness; it has everything to do with a newly-found godless self-righteousness! This is atheist, humanist self-righteousness stepped up another notch or two. God speaks of them as those who became futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened Romans 1:21.

Worse: Professing to be wise, they became fools (simpletons, morons) Romans 1:22. How else could God describe a people who think nothing of killing unwanted babies in women’s wombs, but cry their hearts out in demanding Governments to provide money for state-of-the-art medical equipment and assistance to keep alive wanted babies born prematurely at 22 weeks? How else could God describe a people who demand the best in medical assistance for keeping their own dying family members alive and yet vote overwhelmingly for Governments to legislate for euthanasia to become law? How else should God describe a people who demand pedophiles be locked up but keep quiet when a Leftist University academic calls for pedophilia to be legalized?

How else should God describe a people who demand the utmost police protection from the lawless in society yet ignore or deny the lawlessness dwelling deep-seated within their own hearts? How else should God describe a people who demand the truth from their politicians, judges, lawyers and other leaders of influence in the community yet think nothing of lying if they believe it’ll save their own neck? How else should God describe a people who demand tolerance from biblical Christians who stand against changing God’s definition of marriage and yet are intolerant of everything biblical Christianity stands for? To tolerate one’s own intolerance is the ultimate in self-deception – and self-righteousness!

And no, I am not making excuses for people who indecently assault and harass; they should be called out. But we must be mindful of Jesus’ words: He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her (him) first John 8:7. I was once futile in my thoughts. I once had a foolish, darkened heart. I was once a fool. I would have stayed one too had it not been for a TV preacher who spoke of the love, mercy and forgiveness promised by the Lord Jesus Christ for all who believe on Him. That’s what redemption is all about! If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved Romans 10:9. That’s my prayer for Weinstein & Co.

More: For with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” Romans 10:10-11. So what happened when I turned to Jesus? He cast the devil out of me – that’s what happened! That’s what needs to happen to all hypocrites whether we are sexual assaulters and harassers or whether we are self-righteous finger-pointers of such. But guess what happens to most self-righteous finger-pointers? They die the way they lived; they finger-point to their last dying breath! But, they go out into eternity believing they’ll be able to put up a good case before God for their own behavior, “that’s if there is a God!”

Self-righteousness is a destroyer! It destroys people spiritually, mentally, morally and physically. But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags Isaiah 64:6. There is none righteous, no, not one Romans 3:10. That’s God’s word on the matter; in His eyes, the best any of us can do without Him is filthy. If only these self-righteous finger-pointers understood, that as far as God is concerned they are really no better than the men they accuse. Check out the list of wickedness that lies active within the heart of every person whose sin has not been washed in the blood of Jesus Mark 7:21-23. If they were to hear God’s verdict on the moral condition of both accused and accuser, it would be, “No difference! You’re one and the same. Guilty!

Of all the grand universal truths, one of the grandest is, self-righteous finger-pointers judge others by the content of their own heart. They may not all get to carry out the acts they accuse Weinstein & Co of, but Jesus shows us in Mark 7 they would if they could. Paul, the apostle says similar: Therefore, you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things Romans 2:1. Do you see what they do? They condemn themselves! If they don’t get to practice them literally they certainly practice them over and over in their mind! That is why we are judged for our thoughts just as much as we are for our acts.

And so we see from the word of God, self-righteous finger-pointers are the ultimate hypocrites. They’ve kicked God out of the schools, out of the halls of Government and Justice, they’ve kicked Him out of the Church, they’ve kicked and stomped on truth all the way to the gutter and now they have become Satan’s plaything. Think of that the next time you see a cat and mouse. Observe the cat playing with the mouse; he catches it, releases it, catches it, releases it, catches it again and keeps it up until he becomes tired of the game. Finally he kills it and eats it. Satan plays exactly the same game with self-righteous finger-pointers! In a practical sense then, how does this show up for such people? They become sexually depraved, immoral, degenerate, perverted and addicted!

Whether the allegations of Weinstein & Co turn out to be correct or incorrect, sexual assaulters and harassers will be among us till the end. So will self-righteous finger-pointers. And just as God did for Israel of old, He has done for this crowd today. He has given them over to a stubborn heart, to walk in their own counsels Psalm 81:12. Is that it then? Is there no hope for any of them? Yes, there is hope, but only in Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. It is true there is none righteous, no, not one, but we can be made righteous. How? 1). Admit you are a sinner. 2). Believe Jesus Christ is Lord. 3). Call upon His name. That’s Jesus’ message, the grandest message of all timeFor I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven Matthew 5:20.  

© 2017 – 2020, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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