The testimony of a persecuted, imprisoned, Asian Christian man: “I can handle the torture, the starvation; but I desperately need my Bible. Every day I pray, over and over, for God to give me a Bible.” Amazing! He struggled less with physical torture and starvation than spiritual torture and starvation. I’m not sure how long he had been a Christian, but this seems to be the testimony of a man who, before he was imprisoned, took his Bible seriously; not merely reading it, but meditating on what he was reading, studying it and grounding himself in the divine truths and promises declared within it.
It seems to be the testimony of a Christian man who prepared himself in advance for what he might endure, confirming the promise of Jesus, Therefore whoever hears these words of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock Matthew 7:24-25. And although in its context, this Scripture refers to the Sermon on the Mount, which I’m sure he finds as deeply challenging to live out as we do, nevertheless, that is his living reality in Christ. Quote: “This foundation, the Person, blood, and righteousness of Christ, is as a rock, firm and strong, will bear the whole weight that is laid upon it…… John Gill.
It was a Communist Government the man suffered under, the kind of government we Christians here in Australia have not suffered under, with many believing we never will. I am not one of them however. Whatever else Communism claims for itself, it does claim to be godless. It believes the State is god, not God Himself, the One who ordained the institution of human Government at the beginning. Laying the label “Communist” aside, our Governments, both State and Federal are acting more and more godless with each passing day. Whether their claimed ideology be socialist or conservative, they are almost one and the same today. When once the differences between them were clearly distinguishable, they’re not so anymore, except in rhetoric.
Although difficult to imagine 5 or 6 years ago, the primary issue for our State and Federal Governments is the redefining of marriage. Presently a postal plebiscite is taking place nationally on same-sex marriage and we have leading members of these Governments speaking and acting like Communist dictators. The Federal Opposition leader has already said it doesn’t matter if it’s a NO vote, when he and his crowd get into Government they’ll legislate it into law anyhow. If it happens to be a YES vote the present Government has made little to no provisions for the ongoing consequences of such an outcome, saying there will be no ongoing consequences. Presently I’m not sure if that means they are deceived or deceiving!
When Canada redefined marriage some years ago, parliamentarians promised there would be no ongoing consequences. However, those parliamentarians are all gone now. A new breed has taken over and recently they passed a bill into law called the ‘All Families are Equal Act.’ Deliberately the terms “Mother” and “Father” were struck from it. Redefining marriage has now given the State additional powers in deciding who are the parents of children. And if the story is correct, in the Province of Ontario children can have up to 4 adults as parents! To think the same won’t happen here down the track if same-sex marriage gets passed into law, is to be naive in the extreme. The same or similar applies to UK and European countries, with worse to follow.
When Governments move towards godlessness, respect for the godly moves towards zero! That’s the point of this post, not same-sex marriage. Satan and his dedicated band of followers are simply using that as a vehicle to ride in on; their intention being to bring endless godlessness to the nation. Yes, we do have a few godly parliamentarians currently but the vocal ones among them are shouted down not only by their peers but also by the public. Then there are the seemingly godly among them who are turning out to be the worst of all. The current Federal Opposition leader is one of those people. He quotes Bible Scriptures to support his arguments but he doesn’t quote them in context. He is what’s called a Scripture abuser, not a Scripture user!
It doesn’t happen overnight, but Godless Governments become lawless Governments. That becomes important for us Australian Bible Christians to know, for when politicians talk about “the Rule of Law” as they frequently do, we need to know what it is they mean. Are they referring to the same that was set in place based on God’s Law when the Nation was first federated? If not, it’s not a rule of law; it’s a rule of lawlessness. How are we going to respond to that if God faces us with it? We’ve been reading about it in the Scriptures for years; lawlessness will abound Jesus said, Matthew 24:12. And He had in mind lawless men and women in high places so-called, every bit as much as lawless men and women in low places, so-called.
We must not allow naivety to seduce us into believing imprisonment could never be the reality for us Australian Bible Christians. Persecution is being outworked thick and fast in those overseas Governments mentioned and it’s about to be outworked in the same manner here, don’t doubt it; they want to shut us up! In addition, these State and Federal Governments will receive full support from State and Federal Police Forces, plus State and Federal Law Courts. Are you ready for such an ordeal? Am I ready? Only the Trinity of God can make us ready, but They won’t force that on us, we have to make the decision. But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake you are blessed. “And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.” 1 Peter 3:14.
Now whilst Romans 13:1-7 makes it very clear, Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God…… I am not suggesting for one moment that we should seek to rebel against our Governments simply because they are godless. Like the apostle Peter and others, our “rebellion” is restricted to the level of theirs. They were strictly commanded by the authorities not to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. They refused to go along with it. Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said: We ought to obey God rather than men…… Acts 5:29. When God’s commands differ from man’s commands we go with God’s and go against theirs.
So how would that work out in a practical sense today? Exactly the same as it did in the apostle’s day. Someone comes and asks, “Where do you stand on the redefinition of marriage? Where do you stand on same-sex marriage?” My answer: “I stand with the declared word of the Holy Trinity of God.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh Genesis 2:24. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate Mark 10:9. If such a stand should threaten me with imprisonment then so be it. By the grace of God I would go along with the laws of that particular Government. And again, it would not be same-sex marriage that got me imprisoned; it would be hatred for all things Christian!
Therein lies the true truth! Whatever the charges from godless Governments against the godly, hatred for all things Christian is at the back of it. Why not hatred for all things Muslim or all things Buddhist? Because their founders are dead, our Founder is alive and He speaks just as authoritatively from heaven today as He did when He was here 2000 years ago. Same Jesus, same message, same truth, same gospel, same power, same authority and … same hatred! If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you…… If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you…… John 15:18, 20. The sooner we Christians come to terms with this truth and cease trying to hide behind “niceness” the more effective in Christ we will be.
So where to begin with this? Someone asks. Begin with prayer. Tell the Lord you want to prepare yourself for persecution and imprisonment even though it may never happen to you. After prayer, read the Bible, asking the Lord to illuminate Scriptures to you that help you to build a rock solid foundation for your faith. When under pressure, the Holy Spirit will cause those Scriptures to come so alive for you, you will not doubt the Lord is with you in spite of your circumstances. That has been the testimony of all Christians experiencing hatred for all things Christian. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go Joshua 1:9. Do no be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD Jeremiah 1:8.
© 2017 – 2020, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.