If the Church Allowed God back In

“This nation needs God,” is one of the common statements from Christians here in Australia presently. They are saying it in reference to the Australian people getting the opportunity soon, to have their vote on same-sex marriage through a postal plebiscite. Perhaps more accurately, they’re saying it because of the overt vitriol and bitterness spewing from the hearts and mouths of those opposing what the Bible says about marriage – that of being between one man and one woman. Personally I believe the church needs God much more so than the nation. The church has kicked God out!

If the church allowed God back in, the nation would not be in the spiritual state that it is. The reason the nation is in a dark place spiritually is because that’s where the church is spiritually. Sin and God-carelessness is rampant in the nation because sin and God-carelessness is rampant in the church. Biblical illiteracy is everywhere wide-spread in the nation because biblical illiteracy is almost everywhere wide-spread in the church. “Read your Bible!” is the angry retaliation from many Christians defending traditional marriage. Unless we know the Bible for ourselves and live according to that which has been revealed to us in it, we’re in no position to tell anyone else what they should do, especially unbelieving people.

If the church allowed God back in, the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ would be preached under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. Starting with the leaders, Christians would fall on their faces in repentance crying to God for mercy and forgiveness, But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me…. Acts 1:8. The nation most certainly would know about that! Quote: “There is only one reason we don’t have revival. Do you know what it is? We are content to live without it.” – Leonard Ravenhill. That’s right; the church is content to live without revival because it knows true revival begins with its own people first. It begins by facing our sin, naming our sin, repenting from our sin and getting blood-washed in Jesus.

If the church allowed God back in, divine reality would shine its light in on human religiosity. As a result, religious sham and pretense would get called out, then much of it would be cast out. Should that mean some people would leave then so be it; if they’re no good to God they’re no good to the church. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?……… Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 2 Corinthians 6:14-15. These are the people giving true Christianity the bad name it currently has. Outsiders listen to them speak and then watch for their actions; when the two don’t line up as they ought to, then rightly is the charge, “Hypocrite!” Weed them out and the charge becomes less valid.

If the church allowed God back in, the love of God would be evidenced within His people. The nation could surely do with some of that! It’s looking in all the wrong places for love; our place is the place where it ought to be received, but it’s not there, overall. Yes, the appearance of the love of God will be there but the moment it gets tested it fails. One accurate way to test if the love of God is genuine in a church is to leave it – or be told to leave it! And I don’t mean being told to leave because of some sinful practice, but because of taking a stand for truth, honesty and righteousness. Very few people these days are excommunicated because of some willful sin going on in his or her life. “Where is your love?” they’ll say, if it’s drawn to the church’s attention.

If the church allowed God back in, Holy Spirit liberty would be evidenced within. After all, Jesus did say, the truth shall make you free John 8:32. Free from sin and guilt certainly, but also, “free from corrupt propensities, and grovelling views.” – Albert Barnes. “Grovelling views” are everywhere in today’s church with people bowing and scraping to church traditions, religious opinions, non-Scriptural teaching, doctrines, rules and expectations, plus homosexuality, lesbianism, the Muslims, to name just a few. One can search the Bible from Genesis to Revelation but one will not find any authentic man or woman of God trapped by “grovelling views.” Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty 2 Corinthians 3:17. No Spirit, no liberty!

If the church allowed God back in, hell would be preached as the only alternative to heaven when we die. In addition, it would be spoken of as often as heaven is spoken of. That’s what Jesus and the apostles did for there is no other way for people to fully understand and appreciate Jesus’ gospel. In other words, only those Christians who know it deep within them what God has saved them from, can fully understand and appreciate the mercy and forgiveness of God. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life John 3:16. “The most well-known Scripture of all,” we’re told. It may be so, but my prayer is that it would be the most acted upon Scripture!

If the church allowed God back in, the saving of souls would become a priority. That means a commitment to prayer and intercession on behalf of the lost, and then going out from the church to speak with the lost under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. An elder of a church was asked by a member recently as to why he didn’t attend the prayer meetings. In my experience it’s more common for elders not to attend than to attend, whether that is for prayer before the Sunday service or prayer meetings in general. Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love Revelation 2:4. If one loses his or her fire for the Lord Jesus Christ, loss of fire for lost souls naturally follows. That’s one reason the nation is in a dark place spiritually. 

If the church allowed God back in, the nation would know the Bible was the inerrant written word of God, and that, All Scripture is God is given by inspiration of God, and it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17. In other words, the nation would know without any question or confusion that the Bible is the church’s final authority on all matters. As it is presently, the nation doesn’t believe that because far too many in the church don’t believe that – especially the so-called qualified and certificated ones within. The devil’s crowd in the nation doesn’t concern me; the devil’s crowd in the pulpits are my concern.

If the church allowed God back in, the nation would not be confused by where Christians stand on same-sex marriage. There would be one stand only: “We stand with Jesus!” Of course, Christians are saying that, but we must ask, which Jesus? It is certainly not the Bible’s Jesus; the One who hung on the cross and shed all His blood on our behalf until He died. The Bible’s Jesus has told us in plain-sense language what marriage is as far as God is concerned Matthew 19:4-6; Mark 10:1-12. Christians differing with those plain-sense meanings are blaspheming the name of Jesus. Dismissing the word of Jesus on this matter is the same as removing His word from the Bible. Based on His warning to us in Revelation 22:18-19, that would be a bad idea!

If the church allowed God back in, the whole counsel of God would get preached. As a result, both church and nation might be more familiar with what happened to the people of Israel when they turned their backs on God. It started with the custodians of Scripture first. But when their religious phonyism and hypocrisy spread to the people, God saw to it they all got over run by their enemies and banished from their land – twice! For whatever things were written before were written for our learning… Romans 15:4. It’s only in the last 150 years or so that He has begun to bring them back. It’s doubtful God will banish us from our land but He is allowing us to get over run by enemies called Political Correctness, Cultural Marxism, hedonism, materialism and rebellion.

If the church allowed God back in, all the Scriptures proclaiming God’s forthcoming wrath and judgment upon those who deny Him, reject Him and blaspheme Him would get preached. All is not what it seems. If God appears to be silent about what’s going in both the church and nation, it is simply that – an appearance. The longer the silence, the greater and more devastating the judgment will be when it finally comes down. If this post speaks to you, reader, don’t wait until it’s too late to change your heart and mind. God is giving you an opportunity to do that right now; be wise and respond. Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life…… But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie Revelation 22:14-15. 

© 2017 – 2020, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet www.radiorevelations.com Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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