This Brand of Media

White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon said of the Corporatist, globalist, anti-Trump media, “If you think they’re going to give you your country back without a fight you are sadly mistaken. Every day it is going to be a fight.” He’s not wrong! This truth and liberty-hating crowd will take no prisoners in the Trump Administration. This is a fight to the death. They thought they had America in the bag with Hillary but when that fell over they didn’t skip a beat. Yes, tears flowed like rivers from the deluded puppets doing their dirty work, but only a trickle came from those pulling the strings.

Satan the devil is a Chief Strategist too. Having experienced countless numbers of defeats since his heavenly demotion, he knows what it takes to get back on your feet quickly and keep at it. And since this brand of media despises truth and liberty with such intensity, it’s not hard to see this crowd is his crowd. There is no other explanation for their ceaseless, maniacal attacks on truth and liberty. Specifically now, why do they hate Donald Trump? They hate him because he’s called them out and exposed them for what they are. Worse: They bitterly hate him because he’s pro-Israel and they’re pro-Palestinian, as well as anti-Semitic. They bitterly hate him because he has authentic Bible-living Christians in his administrative team.

They hate him for many more reasons, but since these are the two that Satan despises the most, he’ll make sure his media crowd all over the world feels the same about them. Satan hates Jews because a Jew called Jesus Christ (Savior Messiah) defeated him when rising from death 3 days after he, Satan, had Him killed. He hates Bible-living Christians because he knows we too defeat him every time we invoke the Name of the risen Jesus into our situation. Satan hates Jews because he knows the Jew, Jesus, will return to this earth one day as King and rule the entire world from Jerusalem, Israel. He hates Bible-living Christians because he knows we are going to be play a major part in that rule along with our fellow Jews – Messianic Jews, to be more precise.

Steve Bannon made the above statement to his CPAC audience. Would to God there was a Christian leader who could declare the same message to the church. If the Trump Administration is to win the fight every day, it’s going to take the prayers of Bible-living Christians to accomplish the task. We’re the only people equipped with specific goods and know-how on getting God’s ear. First, we ask  God in Jesus’ name. “Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus……” John 14:13-14. Praying in like manner means we don’t express Jesus’ name as an “abracadabra” magic formula, we express it because of the authority Jesus has given us. Second, we pray according to His (God’s) will not our will 1 John 5:14-15.

A sobering reality: If Bible-living Christians don’t engage in prayer for the Trump Administration on a daily basis it will lose its fight against this media. Remember it’s Satan and his minions they’re up against, not the actual people themselves. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age…… Ephesians 6:12. We give up in prayer, we give in to the devil. He wins, we lose! But we lose more than a truth and liberty-loving Government, for if it goes down, too many Christians will turn inward as they did under the previous Administration. And this will not apply only to America, but to every like -minded Government across the globe. What then, for our witness in those lands?

It is said, “We get the governments we deserve.” It would be nice to turn that around by declaring, “God gets the governments He deserves.” Satan has deceived many Christians into believing God doesn’t involve Himself with secular governments and the raising up of leaders. The way they see it, if the people involved are not Christians and the leader’s reputation is not “squeaky clean” then God has no part of it. Some look at it from a Kingdom Now perspective, but such doesn’t fully begin until Jesus returns to Israel. God is very much involved with government; He ordained it. Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God…….. Romans 13:1-7. cf. 1 Timothy 2:1-3.

Apart from the Corporatist, globalist, anti-Trump media, some of the President’s worst critics seem to be those claiming to be Christian. They are not however, if they hold to the “progressive” ideologies of the Left. One cannot claim Christianity for one’s self and at the same time hold to those, for they are Marxist/Communist and come from the pit of hell. Anyone who sees Jesus in anything they stand for sees a false Jesus, a Jesus of their imagination, not the Jesus of Scripture. Someone asks, “Where is your biblical evidence to support that statement?” Do your own research. Look it up for yourself. And if you do, make sure you start at Genesis and finish at Revelation. In the beginning was the word (Jesus), and the word was with God, and the word was God John 1:1.

Jesus Christ wouldn’t endorse Marx or Lenin. He cursed those two atheists in life and in death and they’re cursed even now for all eternity. That’s the fate of all who subscribe to what they subscribed to, unless they humble themselves, renounce these demonic ideologies, bow to God in repentance and fully surrender their life to His Son, the Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. To think Jesus Christ turns a blind eye to a religion with hatred and terror at its very core, that He turns a blind eye to baby murder and self-murder, that He endorses same-sex marriage, gender-neutral restrooms, sex-change body mutilation, that He tolerates multi-faith worship in churches carrying His name, is twisted thinking indeed – perverted thinking, absolutely!

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much James 5:16. Lots of Christians believe they don’t have what it takes to do battle in the spirit. “I’m only one person,” they say. “What’s that up against all that lot?” They see what they perceive to be spiritual giants praying in their church, or those on You Tube, and with despondency they silently say, “I don’t have what they’ve got.” Wrong! Take another look at the above Scripture. Are you a Bible-living Christian? If so, then you are a righteous person. That means God will hear and act upon the most ridiculous sounding, feeble worded prayer imaginable that comes out of your mouth. What I often do when praying against evil is to ask the Lord to take my prayer and add it to those prayed by others.

It’s not the words of our prayer, or how feeble we feel when praying them that God looks at, but as He said to Samuel the prophet, the LORD looks at the heart. Is your heart right before God? If so, you have God’s ear! Besides, it is God Himself, the Holy Spirit who prompts righteous Christians to pray. You don’t think He’s not going to answer His own prayers? That’s why He says such prayer avails much. Too, don’t be put off by the spiritual giants for not all are right before God. He may respond mightily to their prayers yet withhold personal blessings to them. In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor, and some for dishonor 2 Timothy 2:20.

A prayer example against the Corporatist, globalist, anti-Trump media: “Heavenly Father, the people at the top of the chain in this brand of media are, as You know,   possessed by the same spirits of evil possessing the media moguls in the days of Communist Russia and Nazi Germany. They are manipulating, intimidating, dominating Jew haters and Bible-living Christian haters, cursed with Your curse. I thank You Father God that You dealt with them back then, and I ask that You deal with these people in the same manner today. In the name of Jesus Christ, I come against Satan and his evil emissaries. I ask You to remove the evil control these moguls have over those under them, even if that means removing them from the face of the earth.”

Continued: “And too, Heavenly Father, I lift up my fellow Christians before You, asking You to place within them a hunger for truth and liberty – to learn it, love it and live it. For without it we won’t be asked to give a reason for the hope we have within us 1 Peter 3:1. Cause us to be aware, Lord, due to many years of Leftist indoctrination,  most journalists and reporters employed in this brand of media believe there’s no truth other than their truth. So I intercede on their behalf. Cause them to stop and question where they’re at. Wake them in the middle of the night, stir them, give them no rest for weeks on end. Place the fear of God within causing them to seek out the truth and draw us to them so we can gladly share it. Again, in Jesus’ name I ask.” Oh, give thanks to the LORD! Call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples Psalm 105:1.

© 2017 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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