God-sent Strong Delusion

A 30’s something 5′ 9″ white male interviewed individually some US University students about how they view identity in America. His questions to each: “If I told you I was a woman ….. a Chinese woman….. a 7 year old…. 6′ 5″ tall, what would your response be?” For someone brought up in an era when mental abnormalities could well have meant certification to a mental home till one was certified otherwise, it was not a pleasant experience watching them answer with “tortured logic” doing “mental gymnastics.” The Communists are achieving their goals with these young people so far; what happens to them in the future doesn’t look promising either!

The students’ answers to his questions: “Good for you; like yeah, be who you are.” “Really?” “I don’t have a problem with it.” “If you feel 7 at heart then so be it, good for you.” “If that’s what you feel, like mentally, I feel there are communities that would accept you for that.” “If you truly believed you were 6′ 5″ I don’t think it’s harmful, I think it’s fine if you believe that. It doesn’t matter to me if you think you’re taller than you are.” “I wouldn’t tell you you are wrong.” “I feel that’s not my place as another human to say someone is wrong or to draw lines or boundaries.” “If you thoroughly debated me or explained why you felt you were 6′ 5″, ah, I feel like I would be very open to saying that you’re 6′ 5″ – or Chinese – or a woman.”

Some of the students wanted to say outright to the man, “You’re wrong; you’re not.” But they couldn’t bring themselves to say it. They were conflicted when answering; but others, not at all so. In any case, PC firmly won the day just as it’s designed to do; shut down the mind and you shut down the mouth! Looking into the camera the interviewer turns his attention to us saying, “It shouldn’t be hard to tell a 5′ 9″ white guy that he’s not a 6′ 5″ Chinese woman; but clearly it is.” Then he asks, “Why? What does that say about our culture? And what does that say about our ability to answer the questions that actually are difficult?” Western culture is founded on Judeo/Christian values; when they are no longer valued we lose all ability to answer difficult questions.

As a child growing up in the 1950’s, there was a man in our town who tucked hay into his car grille. When asked, “What’s with the hay?” the man replied, “Horsepower.” Apparently he was harmless enough, but everyone knew he had never been or ever would be a University student! Today if he fought for his rights to enter Uni there would be no protest. That’s how demented the Western culture has become in its bondage to silly, infantile-thinking PC. Worse: Where does this madness stop? For example, who gets to tell the deluded who says he’s a brain surgeon that he’s not a brain surgeon? Are they going to respond with, “If you thoroughly debate me and explain why you feel you are a brain surgeon, I feel like I would be very open to saying that you are a brain surgeon?”

As a gospel messenger on the streets years ago, I often listened to the views of God-disbelieving Uni students. “They do not thereafter believe in nothing,” someone said, “they then become capable of believing in anything.” True! Some of the stuff they came up with was mind-boggling! But what I failed to fully grasp then, these people would be the next in line to take over the institutions – education, social services, law and order, politics and big business. In education, they’ve now captured the minds of students. In social services, they’ve captured the minds of the Government-dependent. In law and order, they’ve captured the minds of the lawless and careless. In politics and big business, they’ve captured the minds of the selfish, dishonest and immoral.

So where is it all headed from here? Well, when people are in possession of a mindset like the Uni students above, it’s clear evidence to me that God is about to fulfill His promise and send them strong delusion 2 Thessalonians 2:11. This is the beginnings of it. How else can such madness be explained? How else can such madness be accepted in society when less than 50 years ago people holding views like that were certified unhinged by right-minded people and put out of harm’s way? And to even hint at the suggestion that, “we have better insights today than the experts had back then,” proves just how deluded that thinking is – not to speak of the sheer arrogance of it all! Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There’s more hope for a fool than……. Proverbs 26:12.

Strong delusion has always been God’s judgment upon an unbelieving world, of course. There have always been people willing to call evil good, and good evil, as well as those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight Isaiah 5:20-21. The Jews were such a people before and after Christ. The Germans were the same and caused two World Wars because of it. But now that almost the entire world is doing it, that’s evidence that the degrees of strong delusion are intensifying. And by the time Antichrist is running the show, strong delusion is the only kind of delusion there will be. The world’s (and the church’s) acceptance of same-sex marriage is a classic example of God-sent strong delusion.

The PC elite think themselves clever in the extreme that they have hoodwinked the majority of the world’s peoples into accepting what God calls an abomination. They’re not clever, they’re strongly deluded. And either during the Great Tribulation Judgment or at the return of Jesus Christ at the end of its 7 year period they’ll come to see the truth of that; it will both shock and shame them to the very core of their being. Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, and they also who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth shall mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen Revelation 1:7. Jesus didn’t make front-page news the first time He came, but it’ll be a different story the second time around. It’ll be a horror story too, for most people!

God-sent strong delusion is the only explanation for the world’s growing acceptance of transgenderism. Once again, if any man or woman 50 years ago suggested they were born in the wrong body, the medical people would have called in the psychoanalysts. Nobody would have responded with the infantile PC-speak, “Good for you; like yeah, be who you are.” And if anyone came to a church in those days bringing that suggestion, not only would the Holy Spirit-led people among them have discerned serious mental issues, they would have discerned serious demonic issues! For that is the real issue going on with transgenders – they are possessed by demons. Only Jesus has the power release them from those. In My name they will cast out demons Mark 16:17.

So what about the 4 year-old who comes to his mother and says he’s in the wrong body? Same thing – demons. When God-sent strong delusion comes upon parents or guardians, Satan the devil has free reign in that household and he will not spare the children. Satan doesn’t care who his victims are; the youth suicide epidemic ought to make that plain. The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy John 10:10. Die-hard Jesus Christ-rejectors are not under the protection of God, they’re on their own. Humility and repentance are the keys to turning that sad situation around but that’s a rarity for the strongly deluded. It’s not God’s will that this be so but He does not over-rule freewill.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased (reprobate) mind Romans 1:28. What’s a debased mind? It’s a vain mind, an empty mind, a worthless mind, a good-for-nothing mind. It is a mind devoid of all true knowledge and judgment. Such a mind is incapable of approving that which is good. Equally, it’s a mind that’s incapable of disapproving that which is evil. This is the mind that seeks control over the minds of not just Uni students, but all students from preschool all the way through to Uni. The answers given by the students in the second paragraph of this post give us a glimpse of the kind of destruction the debased mind can bring upon others, although theirs are not debased as yet, just foolish.

God-sent strong delusion is the judgment of God upon the debased mind; God-sent strong redemption is the mercy of God upon the foolish mind. That means there’s still hope for the students as there is for all people as yet not redeemed. My mind was foolish once – very foolish – perhaps even bordering on being debased. Too, much of my thinking was infantile long before there was such a thing as silly PC! But not today. I have the mind of Christ today and that’s my prayer for all. Do you have the mind of Christ? But we have the mind of Christ 1 Corinthians 2:16. Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it Matthew 7:13-14.

© 2016 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet www.radiorevelations.com Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. One of my prayers for the last ten or so years is based on 2 Thessalonians 2:10, “Lord, I pray that Your Spirit will open up people’s hearts to the love of the truth.” And the reason is because of your message here. So, they do not believe the delusion which God allows to fall on them.

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