The Bible is my Final Authority! All praise to God for enabling me to confess that as such from my early days as a born-again Christian. Not that I had read or studied much of it at the time, but that which I had, God made it clear to me that this Book is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. From that revelation, I made it my business to reject everything that was not of the truth. Does that mean I’ve got it all together now? No, it means I will daily, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness Matthew 6:33, and reject that which I discover to be unrighteous. My confession is the same as the Psalmist, I hate every false way Psalm 119:104, 128.
Anything that opposes the truth, I hate and anyone who willfully opposes the truth I will not walk with. Taking that double stand makes me a hater of people in the eyes of the arrogant, the ignorant and the infantile but I lose no sleep over it; that simply tells me they love every false way. In truth, they are the haters. Not only do they hate the truth, they hate people who love the truth. Hold on to that reality in the coming days, Bible Christians; haters of the truth are coming at us from all directions, some of them even standing in church pulpits and sitting in church pews. The next time you hear someone respond with, “That’s not very Christian,” to your stand for what is Christian, rebuke them in Jesus’ name.
If it’s a professing Christian who pulls that on you, say, “Unless the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is your Final Authority, you are in no position to tell me what is Christian and what is not.” If it’s a non-Christian, tell them, “That’s an arrogant, ignorant, infantile accusation. You demonstrate you don’t know what is “very Christian” from that which is very crazy!” When they hit you with, “That’s not very loving,” go ahead and hit them with, “Unless you know the truth and are living it, you’re in no position to tell me what’s loving and what’s not.” And don’t get sidetracked by them; force them to tell you the values they say they stand for. They’ll emotionally respond with “tolerance” and “compassion” so ask for written evidence proving their values are better than God’s.
For the, “Jesus loves everybody,” haters of the truth who love everything God hates, draw their attention to the biblical Jesus, who will one day tell people, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness! Matthew 7:23. Draw their attention to the parable of the foolish virgins who got locked out. I do not know you Matthew 25: 1-13. Jesus doesn’t know either of these groups of people and they don’t know Him; He is not their Lord. Neither group trusts in Him or in His sacrificial death on their behalf or in His shed blood at the cross for the washing away of their sins. Religious they are, righteous they are not! They honor religious legalism and dishonor Holy Spirit-given liberty. The pleasing of man is their focus, not the pleasing of God.
So what happens to haters of the truth who practice lawlessness and get looked out from Jesus’ presence? They die and go to hell. Then, when it’s time for God’s great white throne judgment, they are bodily resurrected, they stand before Him and they are judged according to their works. Then death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire Revelation 20:11-15. Look who’s there with them: the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death Revelation 21:8. There’s no love from Jesus for that crowd!
Notice I’ve underlined all liars … haters of the truth love lies, therefore they are liars! It sounds like the lake of fire will have to be a gigantic place just for liars alone, given that world has always been full of them. But especially is the world full of them today. There are more liars heading up Governments, Political Parties, Corporations, Big Banks, Businesses, Media outlets, Universities, Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples than at any other time in history. If you’re ever asked to “prove there is a devil,” simply point them to liars and stop there. You need go no further! Satan is their father – the father of lies John 8:44. It has been said there’s nothing which more resembles the devil than a liar.
Although I’ve said it elsewhere on this blog, it’s worth saying it again. The way for a Christian to test if something is a lie or not is to ask who else believes it. Take climate change; most everybody believes it’s man made. If only a few believed that we might have reason to think that is so but because nearly everyone believes it, that should tell us it’s a lie. Two things to always keep in mind: 1) most have not done any research of their own to validate what they believe about anything, they merely follow everyone else. 2) Truth is not popular, it has never been popular it has always been unpopular. Everything the world embraces as the truth you can rest assured it’s a lie. The opposite applies too; what they say is a lie is more than probably the truth!
So, what are people embracing as the truth? Same-sex practice is normal. That’s a lie. God approves of same-sex marriage. That’s a lie. A baby in a mother’s womb is not a human being until someone says it is. That’s a lie. People are born in the wrong body. That’s a lie. Islam is a religion of peace. That’s a lie. All roads lead to heaven. That’s a lie. Bible Christianity and Roman Catholicism are one and the same. That’s a lie. Science has the answers to life, not God. That’s a lie. Governments will solve our problems, not God. That’s lie. There is no God. That’s a lie. There are no absolutes. That’s a lie. There is no afterlife. That’s a lie. There is no forthcoming judgment of God. That’s a lie. There is no heaven. That’s a lie. There is no hell. That’s a lie.
Everything mentioned in the above paragraph can be verified in the Bible as being a lie. Everything they’ve embraced as the truth cannot be verified as such from any source. How dumb to believe something to be true when you have nothing to support it except someone’s opinion. And when the angry and argumentative come at you (remember, those who can’t support their beliefs will always be angry and argumentative) don’t allow them to trap you; simply quote, For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power 1 Corinthians 4:20. In other words, the word of God is living and powerful…… Hebrews 4:12. The Holy Spirit confronts all vain boasters and liars. The human spirit is no match for Him under any circumstances.
Someone reading this may be thinking what’s said here is valid for haters of the truth outside the church, but surely no such people are in the church. Answer: If they side with any one of those lies mentioned above (many side with more than one) and they continually misquote the Bible to support it, they do not love the truth. It matters not how much they tell you they love Jesus; the Bible is the word of Jesus so if they insist on clinging to that which clearly clashes with His word they are lovers of another Jesus 2 Corinthians 11:4. Jesus said, If you obey My word, you are My disciples indeed John 8:31, not, If you obey some of it. The person with that attitude obeys none of it!
We must remind ourselves it was religious haters of the truth who killed Jesus, not the irreligious. And they didn’t kill Him because they thought He was a liar. If they thought for a moment He was a liar they would have allied themselves to Him. That’s what liars do; they support one another in their cause. How else could their lie be perpetuated? It might take only one man to create a lie but it takes more than one to keep spewing it forth. Think of the support liars gave to the causes of Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mao Tse-tung. True, they were irreligious but the same principle applies. Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust, and does not respect the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies Psalm 40:4.
Encouragement for new Christians: make the Bible your Final Authority too. Don’t be seduced into thinking you have to understand a lot more before you can make that call. The understanding you have so far is God-given and that’s how it’s going to be for you all the way through life. Too, if you do make that call, understanding will come at a quicker rate. Why? It shows God you are teachable – a lover of the truth! Does that mean you won’t get sideswiped by haters of the truth? Not at all, we need them to keep us spiritually alert – to sort out the chalk from the cheese. Unbelievable as it sounds, liars help us to search, discover and embrace the truth. How silly they are! The truthful lip shall be established forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment Proverbs 12:19. Buy the truth and do not sell it Proverbs 23:23.
© 2015 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.