I wonder what happened to those disciples of Jesus who were offended by Him when He told them He was the true bread from heaven, the bread of God, the bread of life, the living bread which came down from heaven John 6:22-71. We know many of them went back and walked with Him no more, but went back to what? Did they go back to their former jobs? Nobody else was going to support them so yes, they would have. How about their synagogues, did they go back to those? Most certainly they would have. No doubt most of them became His vehement enemies in those places as time went on. Why did they turn back, but not the twelve disciples?
Answer: They were hard-hearted unbelievers; not so, the twelve. The former were unwilling to hear and learn the word of God the Father through Jesus John 6:45, 65. That is the grand difference always between religious people and spiritually born again people. How about Judas Iscariot, he wasn’t born again. Why didn’t he walk away? It is assumed Judas stayed for political reasons. He probably thought Jesus had come to overthrow the ruling Romans and should that happen, he would become part of the ruling elite. Signs, miracles, wonders and free food were the attractions for the first lot; ruling power was the attraction for Judas. Besides, he was a thief; maybe if he got hungry he’d simply steal from the money box John 12:6.
So for us today, given that Judge not, that you be not judged Matthew 7:1 is almost a mantra in the church, how can we tell who might be hard-hearted, unwilling to hear and learn? Only God knows the heart of each person but Jesus did not say it for no good reason just 15 verses on, You will know them by their fruits Matthew 7:16. Are they lovers of self? Do they love money? Do they boast? Are they proud? Do they blaspheme Christ? Are they unholy, unloving and unforgiving? Are they haughty and headstrong? Do they love pleasure rather than love God? If some or all of those things constantly show up then the gospel of Christ is foreign to them. It’s not that they haven’t heard the gospel, it is that they haven’t submitted themselves to it.
No submission to the gospel of Christ equals no submission to Jesus Christ. These are the ones spoken of in Scripture as having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 2 Timothy 3:1-4. Given the spiritual condition of many churches today from leadership down, that probably means, “Get away; get out of that place!” They will not rise to your spiritual level; they will gradually drag you down to theirs. As born again Christians, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible are our greatest treasures. In fact, they are one and the same. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God……. And the Word became flesh.…. John 1:1, 14. His name is called The Word of God Revelation 19:13.
Unlike those who went back and walked with Him no more, many people have made no move toward Jesus. I hate to think which is worse – to turn back from the Lord yet remain religious or turn your back on Him in the first place in preference for religion. I recall a woman attending a few services at the (at the time) Bible-based, Jesus Christ-centered church I was a member of. She heard the gospel and the Scriptures being preached in their correct context leaving no room for doubts as to the divine nature and character of Jesus Christ, she witnessed the hand of God there but nevertheless, she went off to join the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The woman turned back from the Lord, but remained religious.
When ministering on the streets a couple of people told me that as children and young people their Christian upbringing was Protestant. Each was fully aware of the gospel message of Christ and the doctrines of the Bible, yet they had met and married Roman Catholics and were now committed members of that religious organization. Prayers to Mary and reciting of the Rosary now being part of their practice too they said. When asked how they lined that up with Jesus telling us, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me John 14:6, their response was similar to that which we hear from Pope Francis today, “We all worship the same God.” They too had turned back from the Lord, but remained religious.
For every one that turns back from the Lord but remains religious there are multitudes more who turn their back on Him in preference for religion. I encountered people from just about every religion except Islam. The Roman Catholics believed they already had Jesus in their heart, even if He was occupying it with Mary and the saints. Like those who were offended at Jesus’ true revelation of Himself, so too do most Roman Catholics get offended when one attempts to proclaim the gospel to them. The anger that rises up in some when confronted with truth is astounding. No better insight into the heart of murderous Cain does one get than to be on the receiving end of a Roman Catholic’s anger. Were it permissible I would have ended up like Abel! Genesis 4:8.
Similar behavior applies to Jehovah’s Witnesses. When they knock on your door to preach their message they come across as normal, polite people, but should you knock on their door with your message, some would knock you out if it were permissible – especially the women! “The truth hurts,” they say. It sure does! If one should doubt that reality when it comes to people from these two religions, preach Jesus for a few days up and down the streets of your area. People ask why it is that Muslims kill Christians. Truth is the issue. Those in possession of truth are not threatened by it; those not in possession of it are extremely threatened by it. They didn’t kill Jesus because they believed He was liar!
Regardless of whether they’ve turned back from the Lord but remained religious or turned their back on Him in preference for religion, they will not make it in the days we face up ahead and neither will they make it into heaven. The only ones who will make it are those who have the living Word Jesus residing and ruling within them through the ministry of God the Holy Spirit. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; the God of my strength, in Him I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge; my Savior, You save me from violence. I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies 2 Samuel 22:2-4. Only those who turn to Jesus can expect any response from God here.
Anyone who has turned back from the Lord but remained religious or, turned his or her back on Him in the first place in preference for religion, is totally powerless in the presence of evil. That’s why they capitulate so easily to the evil that’s spewed from the mouths of religious people standing in pulpits. Instead of casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ 2 Corinthians 10:5, they’ve become captives to the arguments, high things and thoughts of these devils. They have the ability to see evil slapping the faces of people in everyday society, but they have totally no sense of it when it comes to slap them in the face!
This explains why evil is given free reign to slap Jesus Christ in the face today. Just as the religious people stood by and allowed Jesus to be slapped by the Roman soldiers, so too do these religious people allow it as Satan’s soldiers – for that’s what they are! There are two kingdoms in the world – the kingdom of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of Satan. Those not living under the first, live under the second. He who is not with Me is against Me….. Matthew 12:30. When those people went back and walked with Him no more, none of them would have thought for a moment that this meant they had joined ranks with Satan’s soldiers. It happens to all who turn back from the Lord but remain religious, or turn their back on Him in the first place in preference for religion.
Encouragement for you who has truly and genuinely turned to Jesus but think you could be in danger of turning back from Him because of doubts and sin. You won’t; Jesus will see to it you don’t. You’re in the hand of both Jesus and God the Father and nobody can snatch you out of either one John 10:28-29, not Satan and most certainly not Satan’s soldiers. Stay close to the Lord through prayer, Scripture reading and study. Confess your doubts and sin daily and trust the Holy Spirit to empower you to stand against them. Rather than walk with Him no more, God is fully aware you want to walk with Him forever more! All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out John 6:37. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth John 17:17. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice John 18:37.
© 2015 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
“…There are two kingdoms in the world – the kingdom of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of Satan. Those not living under the first, live under the second…”
C. S. Lewis said much the same thing: “There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by Satan.”
Now’s the time to jump in with both feet.
Thanks for sharing Lewis’s quote, Larry. Now’s the time, indeed 2 Corinthians 6:2.