Teaching from Romans 1:26, the old preacher shared with his class the moral destruction that came into a church because of one lesbian woman. I gather that because of weak leadership and spiritual immaturity nothing was done to put a stop to it. But he certainly did so. He said, “When I got there I was an angry man and I tore into that bunch and said, you that are not going to live right, get out those doors and don’t you come back here anymore. I pronounce the judgment of God upon you!” Unlike too many church leaders today, the old pastor knew who he was in Christ, and as a result he knew his authority in Christ.
God’s judgment did come, but so did His mercy. The old preacher told the lesbian woman she was possessed by a demon, she came under the Holy Spirit’s conviction, she asked for deliverance and she received it. This old man didn’t mess around. He’d had years of experience dealing with perverted sexual demons, he was a man of action not words, God’s blessing was upon him at all times as was the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Such a minister cannot lose. That’s the grand difference between him and most church leaders today. In the spirit realm the old preacher knew what he was up against, today’s people do not. Human emotions and opinions control most of them today, not the word of God, the sole source of truth John 16:13.
Church leaders governed by human emotions and opinions and not the word of God, the sole source of truth, are themselves possessed by demons – demons of unbelief, pride, self-righteousness and rebellion to name a few. Which means they need deliverance every bit as much as those possessed by sexually perverted demons. Worse: If they don’t get delivered, they are on their way to hell just like every non-delivered sexual pervert. To be governed by human emotions and opinions means one is governed by the flesh, not God the Holy Spirit. There’s only one outcome as a result – eternal death, not eternal life. It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing John 6:63. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God Romans 8:8.
In the word of God, the sole source of truth, we see church pastors and elders as those appointed by the Holy Spirit to shepherd the church of God Acts 20:28-30. Those failing to discern and deal with sexually perverted demons are not shepherds. If they’re not speaking truth to the matter then by default, they’re speaking perverse things – corrupt, distracting things. A leader governed by human emotions and opinions is incapable of producing otherwise. Such people are more sons of hell than sons of God. Don’t be taken in by their show of love and compassion, their smiles and soft voices; that’s all it is – a show. It’s not by their words do we know them by their fruits but by their actions according to Scripture Matthew 7:15-20.
Not every person possessed by sexually perverted demons seeks to get delivered from them. Most do not, Christian or otherwise. The word of God, the sole source of truth, tells us that in the last days perilous times will come 2 Timothy 3:1. Those times are here. Throughout the church world-wide, times of danger, times of trial and times of persecution are striking in measures never experienced before. Among the leading demons wreaking the havoc are the sexually perverted. Not just perverted, but demanding, militant, anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-Christ, anti-truth, anti-Christian, anti-freedom of speech, anti-all things underpinned by Judeo-Christian values. Nothing rises to slap them in the face as hard and continuous as these and they know it!
If the word of God, the sole source of truth, was not the sole source of truth, those possessed with sexually perverted demons would attack us about as often as they attack people from non-Christian religions – hardly ever! We are their core target, not only because our beliefs are written down, but because they are set in stone by the one and only eternal God. That is not so for the others; the sexually perverted demons know that even if the sexual perverts don’t. The sexual perverts tell us all they want is equal rights in society, but that’s not so either. They are a disingenuous lot. As it was in Sodom and Gomorrah, their agenda is to kill the rights of those disagreeing with them and plunder them into accepting them and their lifestyle as normal.
Not only do the sexual perverts give witness to the perilous times now upon us, but so too do their sympathizers, which is just about everybody these days. Once upon a time it was the most natural thing for governments, law and order forces and the courts to adhere to the Judeo-Christian system of values and principles of conduct. Everybody knew the distinctions between right and wrong behavior, good and bad behavior. If one didn’t learn them at home or in the church, they learned them in the schools. But since these institutions in Europe and the USA have kicked all that to the curb the entire world has followed suite with exponential growth. Universities were once the houses of education for sexual perversion, now it’s the kindergartens!
Where else are the demonic seeds of sexual perversion planted in the mind of a 4 year-old? Certainly not at home, that’s for sure. Gender equality, gender identity confusion, gender identity disorder and the like. No wonder a 10 year-old runs home to tell his mother he’s in the wrong body! He’s been entertaining those lies for 6 years and now the demons of sexual perversion have entered him, possessing him. He now thinks he is, what in reality, he isn’t! Because his mother is either ignorant of or rejects the word of God, the sole source of truth, she fully supports the 10 year-old, giving no thought to the reality that the child is now firmly on a pathway to mental, moral and physical destruction.
Sexually perverted demons are cruel to the uttermost. Those possessed by them will at some point in their life experience much mental and physical anguish, torment, guilt, agony, pain, misery, distress, sickness and disease. That is the reason so many commit suicide. Every demon does the bidding of their master, Satan. Unlike God, Satan is a created being and as such, he cannot be in two or more places at once. But his sole purpose as god of this world is to steal, kill and destroy John 10:10. Since he is unable himself to get to everyone to do that, he has myriads of demons (evil spirits) under his instructions carrying out that mission for him. Jesus told us Satan was a murderer from the beginning John 8:44, so that’s how achieves his purpose here.
Bible Christians get the blame for the high suicide rate among sexual perverts. They accuse us of judging them for their perverted practices. We’re not judging them, we’re warning them. God is judging them. The wages of sin is death Romans 6:23. Torment and guilt, etc are part of the wages. It’s our job to tell them. Sexual perversion is sin. God must judge sin because He hates it; He cannot look at it. Like all sinners, sexual perverts are called to face up to that reality. God doesn’t want death for them; death means eternal hell. That’s the “gift” of Satan and his sexually perverted demons. That’s where they’re going and they seek to take as many as they can with them! Here’s God’s gift: The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord Romans 6:23.
The word of God, the sole source of truth, is the only word powerful enough to deliver a person from sexually perverted demons. Psychologists and psychiatrists are not qualified for the job. Mental and emotional disorders are their field of expertise, not demonic possession. Only God the Holy Spirit has the expertise to go there. Most sexual perverts are not interested in giving up their sexual practices in any case, tormented and diseased or not. But for those who desire to get released and start over with a brand new life, they must come to Jesus Christ. Sexual perverts of all kinds have done that down through history and they’re doing it this day. Men and women under the anointing of the Holy Spirit are throwing those demons out left, right and center!
There’s nothing in all the world quite like the word of God, the sole source of truth – nothing! It is unique, it is exclusive. Why? The Word is Jesus John 1:1. The Truth is Jesus John 14:6. There’s only one Word, there’s only one Truth. When Bible Christians come to the Bible, they are coming to Jesus – the living Jesus, the living Word. For the word of God is living and powerful….. Hebrews 4:12. When non-Christians go to their books, all they see are words. There’s no voice or power to support them. That’s why they and their books will rarely be attacked by sexual perverts and their sympathizers. In My name they will cast out demons Mark 16:17. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us John 1:14. The words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life John 6:63.
© 2015 – 2020, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
Powerful. Timely. Accurate. Amen.
Thanks, Lynn and God’s best to you.
Francis Frangipane wrote that people remain in their deceptions until their faith for their deception is all used up. It’s only through the grace of God and the Word that this will happen for people lost in their sexual perversions. If we don’t help them, who will?
Good teaching, as usual.
I like Frangipane’s quote, Larry.
If we don’t help them, who will?
That’s right. Praise God for those who will.
Thank you.