God Jumps for Joy!

I asked the lady from the front office how she was enjoying her work. She said the work was fine, but the work environment was horrible. She was not referring to work space, lighting or ventilation, but rather, the human, relational environment. “There’s no fun around here anymore, Roger. It used to be a joy to come here, but now, everybody is so politically correct – and so joyless!” She was old-school, pining for the days back when nobody was afraid to say the “wrong” thing or tell a joke, politically correct or not. Later, when working with her colleagues and bosses in the board room it was clearly evident that those days were gone for her in that place.

That was not my only board room experience working with politically correct, joyless people, before or after, but she was the only person to speak her mind and tell it like it is. Here’s the sad thing; being in her early fifties, the lady knew what it was like once-upon-a-time before political correctness ruled the day. The others, not having yet reached her age, had no idea. The lady knew she was a prisoner to such a depressing work environment, the others did not know. I doubt if anyone under the age of forty-five knows they’re a prisoner to this satanic evil called political correctness. They were molded and shaped into it long before they entered the corporate world. For them, it began when they entered the kindergarten world.

‘Joyless’ describes these people perfectly; as does ‘mirthless’ ‘humorless’ ‘cheerless’. Yes, they laugh like the rest of us, but all that proves is the truth of the Bible and the true state of affairs about them. Even in laughter the heart may sorrow…… Proverbs 14:13. Take note of that reality when next you see them defending popular but godless views on all of that which the God of the Bible declares to be evil and an abomination in His sight. If it looks like they’re carrying the whole world upon their shoulders, it is because God has seen to it that in a sense, they are! There is no peace, says the LORD, for the wicked Isaiah 48:23; 57:21. They share the same silly notions, but it is impossible for them to share in the peace of God.   

“Smug’ ‘self-righteous’ ‘sanctimonious’ and ‘supercilious’ describes them perfectly too; especially when slamming the Bible, Jesus Christ and biblical Christianity, but equally, when daring not to slam the Koran, Mohammed and Islam. For years this has been the forte of academics, entertainment and media personalities, but since world leaders have gotten in on the act it has become open slather for anybody who thinks he’s a somebody to get in on it. But again, God has the last word: Behold, the LORD of hosts, will lop off the bough with terror; those of high stature will be hewn down, and the haughty will be humbled Isaiah 10:33. Those living in terror of Islam will not know what struck them when they experience the terror of the LORD of hosts.

That’s enough about political correctness; it’s here to stay because it’s here to destroy! Everything birthed from the pit of hell is designed to destroy – spiritually, mentally, morally, physically and materially. Lack of joy, or joylessness in a person is simply one of Satan’s ways of bringing this about. What Bible Christians must commit to is avoid getting seduced by that which is hell-birthed. If it’s true (and it is!) that, the joy of the LORD is your strength Nehemiah 8:10, then it’s just as true that the joylessness of the devil is your weakness! In the Bible ‘joy’ means: calm delight, mirth, gladness, cheerfulness. ‘Strength’ has a variety of meanings: fortress, stronghold, rock, power, boldness, substance, to mention a few.

So how do we maintain our joy in the midst of everybody else’s joylessness? Jesus has given us the definitive answer: If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandment and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you, that My joy remain in you, and that your joy may be full John 15: 10-11. Sadly, this is not the answer many Christians want to hear; and if that were not true, the church would give evidence of such, but it does not. In general, it’s not difficult to discern who’s obedient to the commandments of the Lord and who’s not. Those who are obedient express joy, those disobedient do not. They’re joyless! The obedient are strong in the Lord, the disobedient are not strong in the Lord.

Christians not abiding in Jesus become subject to the doctrines of men. Members of a well-known seeker-friendly church in the United States visited the church I was attending at the time here in Melbourne. In “fellowship” later, a more joyless group one would be hard pressed to find. I couldn’t figure that out at the time. Years later, giving serious attention to their doctrines, it became clear to me they abide in the word of their leader, not in the word of Christ. That explained all. A more politically correct organization, one would be hard pressed to find today also. No wonder they’re joyless! Obedience to the Lord Jesus is our source of joy; obedience to men is our source of joylessness – especially religious men!

To be filled with the joy of the LORD and My joy will give cause for other people (Christians included), to be envious and jealous. That was Jesus’ experience, the apostles’ experience and it is our experience. Most people want what we possess, they just don’t want to pay the price necessary to achieve it. At first when the insults come there’s is a natural temptation to retaliate, but at some point as we continue to press into the Lord He reminds us of who we are in Him and that retaliation is not the way to go. The downside of retaliation is not only sin, but we lose our joy. Losing our joy pleases the envious and jealous no end. They love to see us slip up; to think that we are no different than they are gives them immense satisfaction indeed.

Joy is the second fruit of the nine-fold fruit of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22-23. So to be filled with joy means we are also filled with the Holy Spirit’s love, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Is it any wonder we’re able to, rejoice in the Lord always Philippians 4:4 ? Such a reality is inexplicable to those not in possession of it and it’s a grand conviction to those who know they should be in possession of it! Some biblical meanings for rejoice are: ‘be glad’ ‘make joy’ ‘be exceedingly glad’ ‘jump for joy.’ How many of us believe God jumps for joy? He must; if the Holy Spirit is God and He lives in us and we possess His joy, then God jumps for joy!

God jumps for joy! However, we must avoid confusing this with the name-it-and-claim-it charlatans jumping up and down on church stages spinning a lie to their people that their Rolls Royce and two-story mansion is on its way. That’s not the Spirit of joy, that’s the spirit of deception, greed and idolatry. Anyone seduced by those is fast going to end up joyless! The God of joy will make sure of it at some point. Christians subscribing to the lies of that crowd are the worst witnesses of all for the gospel of Christ. They are shallow and phony and they repulse the joyless unbelieving watching on from the sidelines. As a messenger of the gospel on the streets years ago, these were ones who came in for the greatest disparagement.

Joy is mentioned 165 times in the Bible, rejoice is mentioned 192 times. No other holy book so-called, can lay claim to that. The ignorant and the arrogant love to speak of the Bible as antiquated, outdated and obsolete. Not that they’ve come to that conclusion through any meaningful research and study for themselves; they simply parrot the ignorant and the arrogant who’ve gone before them. No wonder they’re a joyless lot! By the way, it is in the Old Testament that we see joy and rejoice mentioned the most: 102 times and 147 times respectively. That puts paid to the lie that says the God of the Old Testament is merciless, vindictive and cruel. If that were true, King David would never have said to God, In Your presence is fullness of joy……. Psalm 16:11.

The workplace is a joyless environment for multitudes around the world today, as is the home, the social, the political, the religious and the sporting environment. That’s the price paid for believing and living the lie that we don’t need God in our affairs. When only a few did that the effects were minimal, but now that almost everyone is doing it, the effects are maximum. What to do then? Get real with God; His name is Jesus Christ. Repent and believe in the gospel Mark 1:15. Most people won’t do that, but if you will do it, the joyless spirit will be forced to release its control over you. When the Holy Spirit has control of you the joy of the LORD is your strength. God jumps for joy! There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance Luke 15:7.

© 2015 – 2020, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet www.radiorevelations.com Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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