The Christian cake-maker is asked to make a wedding cake for the same-sex couple, she says no, and all hell breaks loose in the USA. The Muslim cake-maker is asked to do the very same thing, he says no, and nobody speaks a word against him. Bible-only Christianity refuses to sanction same-sex marriage and all hell breaks loose everywhere. Islam, Mormonism and Roman Catholicism refuse to sanction the same and nobody speaks a word against them. So what does all this mean? It means that same-sex marriage is not the real issue, truth is the real issue! Bible-only Christianity possess truth, the others pervert truth, so why would anyone bother to attack them?
This is the grand reality Bible-only Christians must come to terms with otherwise we will not stand in these last days. Satan’s strategies are clever; he knows the moment we cave in to the labels, ‘bigot’ ‘intolerant’ and ‘homophobic’ we have stepped from the rock of truth on to the sand of lies Matthew 7:24-27. Same-sex marriage is simply one of Satan’s many lures to keep Bible-only Christians from walking the one narrow road where truth is discovered along the way Matthew 7:13-14. Same-sex marriage is here to stay; let those who want it go to hell! If the Lord Jesus fails to return in the next few years, child-sex and animal-sex will be legislated too. These won’t be the real issue either; the attack on truth will be the real issue.
The attack on truth has always been Satan’s real issue, but not in the manner he would have us believe. Satan really only has two agendas. Number one: to keep all people ignorant of Jesus Christ, the truth. I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me John 14:6. Those giving allegiance to Islam, Mormonism and Roman Catholicism don’t believe that so he leaves them alone. They’re already ignorant of the true Jesus Christ and he’s not going to do anything to jeopardize that ignorance. Number two: those people who do believe the truth of Jesus, Satan throws out one lure after another in order to have them take their eyes off Him. “What does Jesus say?” is the one question he doesn’t want them finding a biblical answer to.
The same applies to “man-made” climate change and the earth’s preservation. Bible-only Christians have the truth on the matter; everybody else’s “truth” is a lie! Bible-only Christians looked to Jesus and He pointed us to the first book of the Bible, the book Satan wants everyone to believe is an insult to their intelligence – Genesis. The reality is the exact opposite; the one who rejects Genesis insults their own intelligence! While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease Genesis 8:22. Yes, the earth is going to burn up one day, but God is going to do it, not man. Those who reject that reality will burn up with it – partially so Revelation 8:7-10; completely so 2 Peter 3:7, 10-13.
More truth about the earth, from the mouth of God Himself, confirmed by Jesus, again confirmed by the first Bible-only Christian martyr, Stephen: Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool….. Isaiah 66:1; Matthew 5:35; Acts 7:49. One day God is going to remove his feet from that footstool. He’s going to stand up to trample on all these proud, arrogant liars and deceivers – the “highest” of them to the lowest! Bible-only Christians know that; Jesus makes that abundantly clear to us as we focus our attention on the grandeur, the magnificence and the immensity of His Being. In the meantime, Jesus has told us that’s what we must spiritually do to those who attack His truth! Behold, I give you the authority to trample on….. Luke 10:19.
Serpents, generation of vipers! That was Jesus’ language to the liars and hypocrites of His day Matthew 23:33. It ought to be the language of Bible-only Christians to all leading the attack on truth in our day. We’ve got to cast out silly notions that cause us to think we can win this crowd over by niceness and political correctness. That’s how they win people over – at least that’s how they start out. When that ceases to have the effect they desire they become emboldened to step up their attack through childish insults and intimidation. The next time you hear a world leader mock God, the Holy Bible and Bible-only Christians, sit quietly and read Psalm 2:1-12. Then speak it out loudly into the atmosphere! Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing?
More: The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against His Anointed (Jesus), saying, “Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.” Study God’s response: He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the LORD shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure…….. Speak it out; then at the Great White Throne Judgment, you’ll get to watch God expose these people for the sniveling, snot-dripping cowards that they truly are! Quote: “Infinitely wise is he who yields his life to Jesus now and dreadful is the folly of those who continue in enmity to Him.” – Summarized Bible.
Those leading the attack on truth are not mere unbelievers. They have gone way beyond that; they are truth despisers! Unbelievers don’t pay much attention to truth, but that is not so for these people. They pay much attention to it! Truth consumes them! Truth haunts them! Truth plagues them! Truth rings in their ears like tinnitus non-stop, day and night! Hissing, buzzing, roaring, clicking, whistling … they can’t rid themselves from it any more than they can rid themselves from breathing! Truth does everything to them except the primary thing it’s designed to do – set them free John 8:32. Truth judges them, truth convicts them, truth sentences them and in God’s own time, truth will destroy them!
Read the above paragraph again, Bible-only Christians, then rest easy. These people are no threat to us. They are a threat to themselves. Here they are spreading a net to trap us but God sees to it that they trap themselves in it instead. Some of them lie in wait to shed our blood, but God sees to it that they shed their blood too. Madness! Violence covers the mouth of the wicked. The name of the wicked will rot. The heart of the wicked is of little worth (worthless). The fear of the wicked will come upon him. The expectation of the wicked will perish Proverbs 10:6-7, 11, 20, 24, 28. These people view us as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things 1 Corinthians 4:13. That’s okay; that’s how God views them!
“The Greatest Generation” is the description given to the people who grew up during the 1930’s Great Depression, and who went on to fight in World War II. The attack on evil was their mission and their victory. Why was it their victory and not Hitler’s and Tojo’s? Simple answer: Because they stood for truth, truth stood for them! How could they possibly lose? The Allied leaders believed in the one true God, the God of Christianity. And not only did they pray to God but they led their nations and fighting men and women in prayer as well. How times have changed! If Hitler and Tojo were around today the victory would be theirs. Those leading the attack on truth would hand it to them on a platter!
The very worst of those leading the attack on truth are not the pagans and heathens; not the politicians and public servants, not the homosexuals and lesbians, not the atheists and agnostics, not the secret societies and cults, not the academics and non-academics. They have the loudest voice and the strongest influence, perhaps, but they’re not the very worst. That “accolade” goes to “Christian” Pastors, Reverends, Very Reverends and Most Reverends! That’s how God sees it. For decades now in their Bible Schools and Theological Colleges all over the world, they’ve been systematically attacking the great foundational doctrines of the Bible. They’ve sought to turn the image of God and the Lord Jesus into an image of their silly selves and most people have bought it!
Bible-only Christians are few in number. In a church gathering of a hundred people there could be less than a half a dozen of them. God is not into large numbers, only remnants. Gideon’s victory with 300 men against a whole army is proof enough of that. The word of one true prophet, Elijah, was enough to destroy 450 false prophets! God hasn’t changed. Those leading the attack on truth need to know that through effective spiritual warfare, Bible-only Christians are leading the attack on evil. In spite of all appearances to the contrary, there will only be one winner – God Almighty. His name is Lord Jesus Christ. What does Jesus say? For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled Matthew 5:18.
© 2015 – 2020, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
Spurgeon stated: “Christianity biggest hindrance is not the opponents of the Bible, but rather, it’s proponents.” As you wrote, it still seems true today. God bless you.
Yes, Larry … enemies of the cross of Christ Philippians 3:18.
I praise God for my experiences among them. Had it not been so, I might have been one of them! Thank you.