In a few posts on this blog I have referred to (some) leaders and preachers of today’s church as, “pulpit devils” or “spiritual cowards” – emissaries of Satan the devil, slaves to political correctness and the fear of man Proverbs 29:25. These are the ones who deny, dismiss, and or water down what the Bible declares on certain issues, or, they’ll reinterpret what it says so as not to offend those who sit under them. The saints of old warned us that sinful rejection of Christ would, “one day come to a head.” Well, the chief of all sins in today’s church is the rejection of Jesus Christ, so that day can’t be too far off … the Lord Himself will bring it to a head and many will be devastated.
In the Bible, blasphemy means: ‘vilification’ ‘evil speaking’ ‘railing’ – against God. Blaspheme means: ‘to scorn’ ‘abhor’ ‘despise’ ‘vilify’ ‘defame’ ‘rail on’ ‘revile’ ‘speak impiously’ ‘speak evil’ – against God. Although they would deny blasphemy, it is what some church leaders and preachers are doing in Australian churches today. And, one doesn’t have to step inside their churches for evidence of this; all you have to do is read what’s written on a few of their outdoor notice boards. How’s this for the ultimate blasphemy – “Jesus had two dads and He turned out ok.” And, “Dear Christians, some people are gay, get over it. Love, God.” Can you think of a greater blasphemy against our holy and righteous God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
Taking a lead from overseas, this is what some Anglican churches are doing presently, but it won’t be long before other denominations copy them. Copying one another is all they’re capable of; not that they would have you believe that. They would have you believe them as spiritual men and women. How about this comment from one of their priests, “I am reflecting on what the spirit of God might be saying in a modern world.” What the Spirit of God might be saying?? Let’s have a look and see what the Spirit of God is saying “in a modern world.” You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination Leviticus 18: 22. If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination….. Leviticus 20:13.
Of course, pulpit devils and spiritual cowards are quick to point out, “Christians are not under law, but under grace, therefore we don’t get our moral instruction from Leviticus or any other Old Testament book.” That sounds good to a biblically ignorant or immature ear, but they won’t tell you the Holy Spirit also said in the New Testament, Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, on whom the ends of the ages have come 1 Corinthians 10:11. What things? Old Testament things such as sexually immoral practices. It is true that the Lord Jesus has fulfilled the law, that’s all the more reason for Christians to yield to Him as Law-keeper of our heart! The moral law still stands; every Christian must be made aware of this Matthew 5:17-19.
I find it remarkable that these certificated Bible “scholars” can deny, dismiss, water down or reinterpret what God says regarding this particular sexual practice. If you were to tell them it was your sexual practice to uncover the nakedness of any one of the following people: your father, mother, sister, grandchild, aunt, uncle, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife, mate with any beast – all mentioned in the same chapter of Leviticus 18:7-23, I doubt very much if they would be willing to display such on their out-door notice board. At least, not until these practices become the norm in Europe and the United States of America first! They’ll do it then. Can you see what followers, fools and hypocrites they are?
Still, should Jesus not return within the next 20 years or so, you can expect to read signs on their notice boards such as: “Dear Christians, some people are incestuous, get over it. Love, God.” “Dear Christians, some people are pedophiles, get over it. Love, God.” “Dear Christians, some people are adulterers, get over it. Love, God.” “Dear Christians, some people prefer bestiality, get over it. Love, God.” “Dear Christians, some people are zoophilic, get over it. Love, God.” They won’t use those exact words … just like “gay” they’ll come up with something attractive. For the Christian who thinks I’m off my head here, ask yourself, do you honestly think Satan will back off, go away and lie down once he gets his way with same-sex marriage?
If you do, then be prayerfully wise and run to the Lord; Satan has targeted you. A Christian brother told me recently he thinks it’s fine for same sex couples to live together, “but I don’t believe in same sex marriage.” He (like so many Christians), thought this got him of the hook, but that’s not God’s logic, that’s Satan’s logic! Think of it this way … if sex outside of marriage is called fornication and if fornication violates the will of God 1 Corinthians 6:18, then where does that leave you in terms of your stand with God against fornication? He knew where it left him – embarrassed. Grinning, he said, “I’m sitting on the fence aren’t I?” Sadly though, the fence was still his seat when parting. He told me, I was too black and white on this issue.
It’s sad when Christians don’t take seriously what God has written in black and white! Romans 1:25 tells us of people, who changed the truth of God into a lie. This is what pulpit devils and spiritual cowards have done with God’s revelation on marriage. They’ve made it say what God would never say! Nowhere in the Bible do we read of God, or the prophets, Jesus or the apostles giving any hint that marriage can be for two people of the same sex. In 19 verses of Scripture, marry is mentioned 22 times – between a man and a woman only. In 18 verses of Scripture, marriage is mentioned 19 times – between a man and a woman only. In 28 verses of Scripture, married is mentioned 30 times – between a man and a woman only.
Bachelor of Theology, Graduate Diploma of Ministry, Master of Ministry Degree. These are the qualifications of one proud, female “Reverend” in one of those churches. Three alarm bells ring here: Human-centered seminary education, woman usurping a role ordained for males and, love of title. These three are guaranteed to lead a church away from our holy and righteous God, not lead to Him. A serious look into the Bible shows us God has no use for the first, no call for the second in that leadership role and no respect for the third. Yet, today’s “churches” are full of them. Religious women falling into those categories, (plus their feminized, emasculated male counterparts) are the ones causing the most harm to biblica Christianity today.
God’s charge against Israel was for their lack of knowledge. He said they were destroyed for lack of knowledge and because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest to Me Hosea 4:6. That’s God’s charge against the leaders of these churches too; God has rejected them. Whatever their perceived zeal for God, they’re not priests for God. In Jesus Christ alone are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge Colossians 2:3. None of which can be attained, maintained or retained by making the decision to ignore or believe you know better than God the Holy Spirit who wrote all Scripture. Cast aside any you don’t want or like that are so plainly declared within the holy, inerrant, infallible word of God and God will cast you aside.
Pulpit devils and spiritual cowards will be severely judged by God for putting His name to something He did not say and would never say. Attributing, “Dear Christians, some people are gay, get over it. Love, God” to the Holy Spirit, when in fact God attributes that to an evil, religious, devil spirit, is the ultimate blasphemy, as stated earlier. Church leaders who take away from the word of God, but then add to the word of God, deceive not only themselves and members of their church, but worse, they also deceive an ignorant, unsuspecting, gullible public who stop to read and take on board their lies. The Bible is never wrong. But evil men (including women) and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived 2 Timothy 3:13.
Bible-only Christians are accused by Seminary Certificated pulpit devils and spiritual cowards of being narrow minded and legalistic about same-sex practice and marriage. They’ll say something like, “You limit your argument to a mere three Scriptures, all of which speak of a different time in a different culture.” They will proudly remind you that they are the ones who’ve done the studies and have the qualifications, “not you!” No Bible-only Christian should ever be side-tracked with stuff like that. Allow the word of God to be your grand encouragement, But from those who seemed to be something – whatever they were, it makes no difference to me; God shows personal favoritism to no man – for those who seemed to be something added nothing to me Galatians 2:6.
Besides, when we follow the pattern of sexual immorality from its first sighting in Genesis 6:5 all the way through the rest of the books of the Bible to Revelation 21:8, we are left in no doubt as to God’s viewpoint on the matter. You don’t need a theological Diploma or Degree to discover that. In fact, those things will hinder you from discovering it. The only qualifications needed are: be born again, be blood-washed in Jesus, be baptized in water and be baptized into the Holy Spirit. Those “mere three Scriptures” simply nail down what we discover elsewhere in the Bible! That’s why we can confidently proclaim them. They do not speak of a “different time in a different culture” they speak to our time and our culture, whenever that is, wherever that is.
Bible-only Christians who speak out on this subject are branded as homophobic. That’s the voice and language of Satan – don’t bow to it. That’s the voice and language pulpit devils and spiritual cowards bow to and will continue to do so right on into the Great Tribulation. It is not God’s desire that anyone go into that, but many will. Those who meet the qualifications stated in the above paragraph will not. These are the ones who choose to bow to the voice and language of the Holy Spirit instead. Want to hear the Holy Spirit’s voice and language? Read this Scripture out aloud to yourself and do it often. “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the Lord Isaiah 54:17.
© 2013 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
I love simplicity. God has not changed. Humans haven’t changed. Satan tested the weapon of deception in Genesis 3. Why did God forbid Adam and Eve to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? Because its fruit opened their minds to judgment – evaluating and deciding what is good and what isn’t.
Deception still works. The Garden of Eden moment repeats worldwide millions of times each day. The truth is still the same: God said. That’s good enough. Or, God said, but He didn’t really mean it.
Perversion is not of God. There was a penalty in Genesis 3. There still is.
“Choose today…”
Very true, Lynn. The pulpit devils and spiritual cowards here have become more emboldened since this post was written. Thank you.