These Three Lies

The truth-speaking Pastor told his people, “The generation to whom the lie is told will never believe the truth. Truth speakers will never be given an opportunity to be heard.” This man tells the truth about his race and his race hates him for it. He tells the truth about the church and the church hates him for it. He tells the truth about certain people in his nation’s State and Federal governments and they too hate him for it as do their supporters. The truth or the lie, which is it? It’s not difficult to discover if one believes the Bible to be the sole source of truth. The way to test which is which it is to ask who is  embracing it? If the world embraces it I know it’s not the truth.

The Bible tells us all those outside of Jesus Christ are children of the devil, Satan. Or, as Bible Expositor John Gill put it: “Not of his substance, but by imitation and example; and as being under his authority and influence, his instructions and directions, and ready to follow after him, and obey his commands…..” I was his child for 39 years! The Bible tells us Satan is the god of this world (age) 2 Corinthians 4:4. Jesus called him the prince (chief ruler, magistrate) of this world John 12:31. Jesus also said of Satan that he does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it John 8:44. Paul the apostle said of Satan that he is the  “prince of the power of the air” Ephesians 2:2. 

So this is Satan’s world; it’s been given into his hands, but he himself is in God’s hands. For born again Christians (there is no other kind) we too are in God’s hands; that took place the moment we humbled ourselves before God, turned away from our sins (God-defiance, rebellion) and received His Son Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We’re now children of God, friends of God, servants of God, students of His word, messengers of His word and proclaimers of His word – proclaiming it with total divine authority. That makes us enemies of Satan. He’s our enemy, we’re his enemy! We hate lies, he hates truth. We’ve signed on to engage in a spiritual war we know never ends this side of eternity even though we know the battle has already been won.

That’s one reason why we engage in this war for truth vs. lies; we already know the outcome. Those not on the side of truth are in Satan’s hands regardless of what they believe to the contrary. In other words, if their philosophies, opinions, ideas, ideals, speculations, ambitions, and doctrines conflict with those of the Bible, they will all eventually collapse. That’s why they need to be exposed for the lies they are. Yes, it’s true that perpetrators of lies are on their way to hell as are Lovers of Lies, but not everyone is a perpetrator, not everyone is a lover, they’re simply following the crowd without questioning. They don’t like to question; they’re uncomfortable doing so. “If everyone believes it, it must be true,” becomes their comfortable line of reasoning.

Hitler understood the crowd perfectly: “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” Again, “The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.” Not only do people fall victims, they become advocates of the lie; the greater the lie, the greater the advocate! Take a look at the advocates for man-made climate change and global warming. They haven’t done any study or research into this; they’ve been bludgeoned into accepting it as the truth. What is the truth? While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease Genesis 8:22. That’s God speaking  … He is in control, not Al Gore and his disciples!

More truth. There is a global warming coming, but it’s God-made! Revelation 16:8-9.  It has to do with the forth-coming judgments of God upon, the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars….. Revelation 21:8. So here we a grand example of what the truth-speaking Pastor is on about. Most people who have read this post to this point will reject the declared truth because they embraced the lie long ago and they’re not going to change their view now. To do so, they would have to admit they are wrong … and they would rather go through surgery than go through that! That’s how stubborn a person in the devil’s hands can be.

Today’s generation, like none before it, deeply believes the Jews to be illegal occupiers of the land of Israel, rather than the owners of it. The Arabs, Palestinians, most world governments, the “church” so-called and the media, have sold that lie and this truth-ignorant generation has bought it hook, line and sinker. What is the truth? The land of Israel belongs to God. The Jews are God’s chosen people. God revealed Himself to the entire world through the Jews and does so today. Nearly four thousand years ago God decreed the land to Abraham and that decree has never been rescinded. That’s what the Old Testament (Tanakh) is all about. After the first 11 Chapters of Genesis, its record is primarily confined to the nation of Israel – past, present and future.

But God uses the Old Testament to speak to us today as well as the New Testament; therefore, if you ignore it and what He says about Israel, you do so at your peril. If that is a warning to all peoples, how much more so the so-called “church” that sides with liars rather than truth-holders? Having said this, the lie of Israel and the Jews will continue to be told because any recognition of truth about them means recognition that the Bible too is truth. That’s a recognition that will never be acknowledged this side of the Great Tribulation by the groups mentioned above. But they will be forced to acknowledge it on the day when Conqueror Jesus once again stands with His feet firmly set on the Mount of Olives Zechariah 14:4.

Now to the topic that sparks within its advocates the very hatred towards us that they accuse us of having towards them  – same-sex practitioners. Born again Christians do not hate homosexuals, we love them. Our Lord Jesus commands us to love all people and if we don’t then we don’t love Him. It’s that simple. But there’s a great difference between loving a person and loving their practice. The same applies to molesters, rapists, murderers, thieves, adulterers, fornicators, swindlers, drug dealers and corporate criminals etc. Jesus died for them all, all are redeemable and we as Christians are not to look down on them simply because that’s not what we’re into. That’s what many redeemed Christians once were into, including homosexuality and lesbianism.  

What is the truth? God’s word stands and the word of the same-sex advocate falls. Truth stands, lies fall! Same-sex practice is now accepted world-wide as normal, but God says it’s abnormal. It’s as abnormal as molesting, raping, murdering, thieving. It is a liar and a deceiver who says Jesus didn’t say anything about homosexuality. Jesus’ authority came from the Tanakh (Old Testament). God spoke against this practice in the Tanakh and so did Jesus when He said, Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill Matthew 5:17. Jesus’ moral standards are no less than God the Father’s moral standards, they are one and the same just as He and God are one and the same

God’s order for marriage is between one man and one woman and Jesus reaffirmed this when dealing with religious hypocrites who were divorcing their wives at the drop of a hat Matthew 19:4-6. He also has lots to say about that which internally defiles us, sexual immorality is included in the list Mark 7:20-23. Same-sex advocates are calling this a human right, but true human rights are God-given, not man-given. When someone takes to themselves what God has not given they place themselves under a curse (execration), not a blessing. Satan is very happy when that happens to people because that’s what he’s under permanently and it’s his intention to take as many down with him as he can. He’s an enemy, never a friend – to anyone!

The Bible is being trampled on everywhere in this generation and these three lies are at the forefront of the trampling: man-made climate change/global warming; the denial of the Jews and their God-given right to the land of Israel and same-sex practice/marriage. This generation, again like none before it has not grown up with any firm and fixed standards to measure what’s right, what’s wrong, what’s true, what’s a lie; they’ve been told there’s no such thing. Yet, at the same time with regards these three lies, they’re being told they must accept the “truth” of them and that it’s wrong not to accept them. How dumb! No wonder it’s a confused generation. Still, the greater judgment lies with the previous generations. How come?

They are the ones who threw out those standards … there’s ten of them and they are God-given! Exodus 20:1-17. Worse. The “church” has thrown them out too, along with God Almighty Himself. It’s a sad reality of life that whatever society embraces or discards, the “church” follows within a decade or so. What an indictment! Thank God for the remnant church, however. Jesus remains Lord of that one, not Satan; he doesn’t get a look in. This is the place to come when one begins to realize they’ve been lied to, not just with these three lies, but with everything they’ve been conditioned to believe as truth. It’s called the remnant because in spite of many who claim to be Christians, there are so few who are truth-seekers and truth-livers.

So how does one enter this church? You enter through the door. Jesus is the door and he is also the TRUTH. But first: acknowledge that you’ve been living in Satan’s world; he  has been your master and you have been his dupe. Second: acknowledge your need for deliverance from Satan’s world and his mastery over you. Third: acknowledge you have offended God and ask Him to forgive you and change you. Fourth: acknowledge Jesus not only as Savior but also Lord. That way will you not only be seeking truth but you’ll be living in truth. That’s the difference between the “church” and the church. “Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep…… I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved….. The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life……..” John 10:7-10.     

© 2013 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. Your post addresses the conversation among Christians all over the world, Roger. That alone provides a clue that “something is up.” In the United States there are two requirements to success in national elective office, (1) endorsement of homosexuality and (2) endorsement of abortion at any point. Just last week a lobbyist for Planned Parenthood testified that the life of a baby born alive at abortion could be taken or not based on the “mother’s” desires. In other words, she has the right to order that infant killed as it lay there crying.

    What a testament to the state of the world that free access to sex of any kind is of greatest concern. Satan considers that a check mark in his win column.

    Yale University recently HOSTED a seminar to teach bestiality, incest, and prostitution as sexual options within the normal range and that folks who practice them should not be made to feel bad.

    Come Lord Jesus.

    1. What a testament to the state of the world…..

      Indeed, lynn … The ‘woe unto them’ of Isaiah 5:20-21 is fast approaching isn’t it? I think of all the poisoned young minds and the many more to come and I shudder! Thanks and God bless.


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