As a new Christian I was often encouraged and exhorted to know why I believed what I believed about my Christian faith. I was told that new Christians are prime targets of the cults and that, “they will quickly chew you up and spit you out if you don’t have a sound theology on this.”
Today, it would be unwise to limit this warning to the cults. A far greater chewing up and spitting out is now taking place within the church, not without. The age of apostasy is well and truly upon us – false preachers standing in pulpits and false teachers sitting in home-study groups are chewing up and spitting out ignorant and gullible (as well as lazy) Christians both new and old, all over the globe … and there’s no turning back.
Talk about evil men and imposters growing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived 2 Timothy 3:13 – the church is infested with them in our time!
I am grateful for every study I’ve done to help me to develop a sound theology of knowing why I believe what I believe, but I cannot recall there being a book-study with the deep sense of urgency such as comes with Lynn Baber’s new, 150 page, easy-to-read book: Rapture and Revelation – ‘Welcome to the End Time.’
Lynn is a Christian writer and author as well as director of Amazing Grays Ministry.
‘The clock of human history is running out’
With the end times upon us and the great possibility that the rapture of the true church could take place at any tick of the clock, Lynn repeatedly asks the same question in Rapture and Revelation, “Are you sure you know why you believe what you believe? And with this book in one hand plus your Bible in the other, you can know without one shadow of doubt the answer to the question as you go through the challenging Introduction and equally challenging sixteen Chapters.
Rapture and Revelation has not been written for the reader who wishes to have his or her ears tickled. There are plenty of Christian books and e-books catering for that, but not this one. It is a book-study offering simple truth about the times we’re living in, but it’s also a challenging book, leaving no room for the reader to express anything but “yes” or “no” for their answers and decisions. No room for fence-sitters!
Do absolutes exist? Is there such a thing as absolute truth? Is the Bible the inerrant and inspired Word of God? Does God exist? Is Jesus Christ God? Is the word the Bible and the Word Jesus Christ?
How do you define Jesus, Christians, Grace and Antichrist? How can you be certain your definitions are correct in the light of Matthew 7:21-24?
Do you believe in the rapture of the church? Will you be included in the rapture? Why will you be included? Do you believe why you believe what you believe is a matter of life and death?
Rapture and Revelation is also a prophetic book. It calls Christians to get serious before God … to hear what the Spirit says to the churches Revelation 2:7,11,17,29 etc. It was written in obedience to a revelation from the Holy Spirit following a horrific world tragedy early last year, 2011. “Tell them,” the Spirit said. Tell us, Lynn has.
End times books can be confusing and controversial. Rapture and Revelation is not one of them. That’s why it should be in every Christian’s possession.
Star rating: 10 out of 10.
© 2012 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
Thank you for telling us about Lynn’s book. It sounds like a must have! God bless you , Roger, as you help prepare the way of the Lord.
I love a book that strongly challenges us in our Christian faith, Debbie … in this age of apostasy there are not many that do. Thank you and God’s best to you today.