Lately I’ve been giving serious thought to the first two Commandments of God, And God spoke all these words, saying: I am the LORD your God……You shall have no other gods before Me……you shall not bow down to them nor serve them…. Exodus 20:1-5. Dwelling on those commandments causes me to give serious thought to those in Christendom who have allowed themselves to be seduced into believing they should be tolerant of other religions. The pressure for religious tolerance is coming from everywhere – media, academia, government, plus the church itself. “Tolerance should be the order of the day,” so say the fraudulent, foolish, blasphemous and cursed.
Those two Commandments, as well as the other eight, apply to the atheist, the agnostic, the pagan, the heathen, the idolater, the religionist and the false-god worshiper. You can create and worship any god you imagine but you are not exempted from this. Whether you believe it or not, you will stand before the God of those Commandments one day and give Him an account of your life and what you have done with Him in the name of Jesus Christ. Nobody gets off the hook! Christians should not tolerate other people’s religions, ecumenical fellowships should be rejected, we should not get together, people do not serve God by believing He has different names, principles and practices than those biblically revealed.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY way, truth and life and nobody gets to God unless they come through Him John 14:6. God did not give His sons, He gave His only begotten Son John 3:16 – end of story. Christians are foolish to imagine otherwise. Every other religion is a devil inspired corrupt religion that seeks to destroy Christianity; they’re evil and idolatrous. They are nothing but Satan’s diabolical plans to destroy the work of Almighty God, make a mockery of the Lord Jesus Christ and devalue the efficacy of His blood. Russellism (Jehovah Witnesses), Mormonism and Romanism fit this category too … all of them lead you to disobey the first two Commandments and they lead you away from Jesus Christ, not to Him.
It is the Romanist religion that leads the way with this so-called tolerance. When he was alive, Pope John Paul 2 gathered the leaders of the major religions a number of times. He called them all, “worshipers of God.” Based on the two Commandments, he lied or was deceived, because none of them acknowledge the God-status of Jesus Christ; they deny it in fact. Gathered together with him were Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Animists, Shintoists, Shamans and Witches. He apparently said, “We have not come to teach anything, but to learn from their rich spiritual heritage to which the entire world ought to give heed.” Give heed to that and you give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils! 1 Timothy 4:1.
It is the intention of the Vatican to bring all religions under the papacy, of course; it’s their One World Religion vision and all is on target for actualization. Protestant spiritual cowards and spiritual fornicators all over the world are falling over themselves to get into bed with her. Amazing how the “tolerant” are intolerant of Bible-knowing, Bible-loving, Bible-living Christians, however. Why is that? We are the only ones with any truth and for that, they hate us and would kill us if they could. When the Holy Spirit and the church is removed from the earth 2 Thessalonians 2:7, that’s exactly what they will do to those who turn to Jesus during the Tribulation period. In that day, tolerance will nowhere be seen or spoken of.
Another group calling for tolerance of all religions is the politically correct crowd. This lot lives in absolute fear and terror of Islam. But they’re not calling for Muslims to be tolerant, they wouldn’t dare; they just want us all to be tolerant of Muslims so as to save their own miserable necks. You could never get them to admit their fear and terror, but that’s the motivation behind their call. They couldn’t care less about God or any of the religions, but they’re too frightened to come out and say so in case they offend Muslims. They’ll willingly and quickly come out and criticize Bible-based Christians because they know they have nothing to fear from them; but not so, Muslims, Koran-based or otherwise.
Just this week I read of an atheist group who’ve brought a lawsuit challenging the placement of a cross at the site of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. They say the cross makes them literally sick because they feel officially excluded from the ranks of citizens who were directly injured by the attack … “serious physical and mental illness,” dyspepsia, symptoms of depression, headaches, anxiety, mental pain and anguish. If it were an Islamic memorial erected instead of a cross, you would not have heard a murmur from them! On the other hand, Muslims gathering to celebrate the end of Ramadan at a New York City park found uncooked bacon scattered there, and police are investigating it as a possible hate crime.
Elsewhere on this blog I’ve written of the foolishness of human nature to blindly accept without thought or question the religion and god they ascribe to. Faith is not blind faith. It is not faith in my faith; it is not faith in the faith of my fathers nor the group or their doctrines no matter what or who they are or claim to be. So if somebody comes and says to you, “We are the ONE TRUE……..,” how would you know? How would you be able to test and confirm that this was so? Answer: Unless you submit to an authorized or traditionally accepted version of the Bible you can never know. The Bible is the only book in all the world in which the God of those two Commandments reveals Himself. That’s it! Heaven or hell is for you solely on that basis.
You can no more randomly pick and choose who you believe God to be than you can randomly pick and choose whatever parts you believe will function in the computer you operate, the motor car you drive and the airplane you fly in. Only the deluded believe otherwise. You know that if you want those things to function the way they’re designed to, everything placed into them must be precise to the nth degree. Nothing in the entire universe functions randomly. Why on earth then, would you consider the One God of Infinite Intelligence and Ultimate Reality to be any different? Everything about God is precise; everything about Him is specific. Moreover, every human being is commanded to know God personally. Without Him, you don’t function.
God demands to be worshiped, but as Jesus said, God is a Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth John 4:24. Those who don’t worship God in that manner break the two Commandments; and in doing so, they break themselves! In vain (to no purpose) do they worship Me…. Matthew 15:9. God has no other names than those revealed in the Bible. Here’s a few of them: ‘God’ ‘Lord God’ ‘Most High God’ ‘Almighty God’ ‘Everlasting God’ ‘God Almighty’ ‘I AM’ ‘Eternal God’ ‘Living God’ ‘Holy One of Israel’ ‘God of heaven’ ‘Father’ ‘Heavenly Father’ ‘King Eternal’ ‘Only Potentate’ ‘Father of lights’ ‘Holy God’ ‘Most Holy God’ ‘Most High God’ ‘God Most High’ ‘God the Father’ ‘God the Son’ and ‘God the Holy Spirit’. All relational names.
With regards the manifestations of God, once again they’re all relational. The Bible speaks of: ‘the face of God’ ‘the voice of God’ ‘the glory of God’ ‘the Angel of God’ ‘the name of God’ and ‘the form of God’. The nature of God is: Spirit, One, Personal and Trinitarian. The natural attributes of God: Incomparable, Invisible, Inscrutable, Unchangeable, Unsearchable, Infinite, Eternal, All-powerful, All-knowing, Foreknowledge and Wise. The moral attributes of God: Hatred, Holiness, Impartiality, Justice, Long-suffering, Love, Mercy, Truth, Vengeance and Wrath. The offices held by God: Creator, Judge, King, Defender, Preserver, and Shepherd. The works of God are described as: Awesome, Incomparable, Great, Manifold, and Marvelous.
The ways of God are described as: Perfect, Knowledgeable, Made known, Everlasting, Inscrutable and Just and True. With regards to the goodness of God: Abundant, Great, Enduring, Satisfying and Universal. God’s goodness is manifested in: Material blessings, Spiritual blessings, Relational blessings and Forgiveness of sin. The love of God is described as: Great, Everlasting and Sacrificial. The mercy of God is described as: Great, Sure, Abundant, Tender and New every morning. Can you see how fraudulent, foolish, self-righteous and smug the “tolerance” crowd is? They’re not altogether ignorant of the God I’ve described; God has put some of that knowledge within them so that they are without excuse Romans 1:20.
“We all worship the one and the same God”, so say the deceivers and the deceived. We do not. And even if we did, don’t forget we are commanded to know God. So you who believes that lie, how do, or how would, you get to know Him? One: You cannot unless you come through Jesus Christ. Two: You can’t come to Jesus Christ unless you repent and have your sins washed away by His blood. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission (pardon, deliverance, forgiveness, liberty) Hebrews 9:22. Without trusting in the blood your religion is useless. God will not look at anyone not blood-cleansed by His Son. The blood of Jesus Christ expresses the fact of His death as a sacrifice for sins and is the only remedy in doing away with your sins.
Jesus’ blood is the only power to continually cleanse from sin; it’s the only power to bring total freedom from the binding power and bondage of sin. It’s the only power to enable you to maintain your fellowship with God so that you can worship and serve Him with a clear conscience. It’s the only power to purge your conscience of guilt and it’s the only power to provide you with lasting peace. That’s why the Bible describes Jesus’ blood as: Innocent, Precious, Necessary, Sufficient, Final, Cleansing and Conquering. Non-Christian religions won’t tell you this … they’re ignorant of it, others reject it and Romanism hides it from you. There’s nothing to equal the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, it is the basis of our reconciliation to God Ephesians 2:13.
Embracing and committing to the practice of biblical Christianity is guaranteed to keep you humble and obedient to the God of the first two Commandments because you have the presence, ministry and enabling power of the Holy Spirit within. Not so, with all religions; they’re man-centered and man-powered. As a result, the practice of them makes one falsely humble, disobedient, self-righteous, proud and conceited. There is no other way to describe religious people who break those first two Commandments. That’s how God describes them, that’s how they show up in society.
To you Christians who have allowed yourself to be seduced into tolerance for other religions; you who are caught up in ecumenical fellowships; you who believe we all worship and serve the same God … you’re in a spiritual stupor. You are worshiping and serving Satan. As a result, you are breaking those first two Commandments and breaking yourself. Wake up, turn back before God breaks you too. God is intolerant of your tolerance. “Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel, and His Redeemer, the Lord of hosts; I am the First and I am the Last; besides Me there is no God” Isaiah 44:6. “I (the Lord Jesus Christ) am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last” Revelation 22:13.
© 2012 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
A strong word here Roger! I just wish more ministers had the courage to preach it…I myself have family members who dislike me for my uncompromising views. I’ve had to learn to keep my mouth shut and wait for the right opportunity. More love than “truth” it seems…but sometimes I just don’t know what’s the right thing to do!
I’ve had to learn to keep my mouth shut and wait for the right opportunity
Well that’s wise, Jeff … particularly in the light of the last parts of Ecclesiastes 3:7 and Matthew 7:6. I mentioned similar to the Lord years ago and He impressed upon me, “But you will know when the time comes.” Then years later He told me not to seek the approval of man. Since that day I haven’t. Do I get the timing wrong sometimes? Probably, but…..
God stands by you anyway, Jeff, He’s on your side.
Thanks for sharing, others will identify with you. Praying for us all.
Roger, I am so thankful for you and for your obedience to God, to not seek the approval of man. That is not an easy road for you, but I know that if He spoke it to you, you cannot do otherwise, so in that way are blessed. You shine His Light on this subject of tolerance and show how it does not work both ways . ..which should be a huge red flag.
God bless you as you continue to be for God and His truth, loving Him and obeying Him.
Thank you for your encouragement, Debbie … and you’re right, blessings come from obedience don’t they? Blessings of divine light, life and liberty. Not so, for tolerance … only darkness, death and bondage. God bless you too.
Time on the clock of human history is nearing the end. There is only one choice that matters, “God or Not God.” Most Christians believe they have already made the right choice, the safe choice. Most Christians are wrong; they have chosen Not God.
Either the God of the Bible exists or He does not. End of that story.
If He exists then every word of the Bible is true or none are true. End of that story.
If the Bible is true then what is true or right is established by God alone and shared with us in His Word. Whatever is opposite of God’s Word is false or wrong. God’s Word is about The Word made flesh, Jesus Christ. End of that story.
If we live outside of the parameters God established we chose Not God. Rationalization chooses Not God. Relativism chooses Not God. As you stated, Roger, it doesn’t matter what any one person believes. Either we’re all on our own on a wobbling orb that will continue or not based upon time and chance or God IS.
He IS. Choose God. End of that story.
Amen, Roger!
Most Christians are wrong; they have chosen Not God.
I love your black & white and very articulate comments, Lynn. Sad that these people won’t take the same stand so as to be delivered from their fear and idolatry. Bless you today.
He will judge me, but love me for my faults. He will be stern, yet understanding. He will be firm, only because he wants me to walk the right road. Through it all, no matter what I do, no matter how far I stray — he will love me.
He is my father.
Not god. You misunderstand. By “my father,” I mean just that — the man who inseminated my mother. The man who in whose home I was raised. The man who punished me when I was wrong and rewarded me when I was good.
We all want so desperately to return to childhood, don’t we? At least, you do, Roger — as do many if not most of your readers.
A time when our father watched over us, judged us, punished us, forgave us, made us believe we were not alone, allowed us to believe we did not have to make our own choices because he (or should I say He) was watching and deciding for us.
It’s time for us all to become adults. When God disappears, freedom reigns. No God means there is no life and no purpose but the one we create for ourselves and those we love — we are FREE. Embrace this.
Hi Eric
Thanks for commenting.
I’ll let your “childhood” remark pass through to the keeper.
When God disappears, freedom reigns.
Up until 27 years ago I told myself the same thing. In reality however, freedom was my fantasy not my reality … I was anything but free.
I’ve encountered many people who would agree with you, the only problem is when I look into their eyes I see something very different indeed.
No God means there is no life and no purpose but the one we create for ourselves and those we love
Is that what your father passed on to you? I wonder his reason for watching over, judging, punishing, forgiving and deciding for you if he did so.
In any case, my experience was the opposite … purposeless, directionless – mere existance in fact. And as I look around a politically correct, Christ-rejecting world today I see exactly the same.
Too, I’m grateful for what history teaches us on this philosophy, forced upon 1920’s – 1980’s USSR and 1930’s – 1940’s Germany. When I talk to people who once who lived under that, the word “freedom” never gets used.
Thanks again, Eric