Freemasonry Is An Offense To God!

In the supermarket the other evening, I met up with a Christian sister whom I’d not seen for some months and, as is usually the case after an exchange of greetings, I got to hear of what’s happening in her current church, as well as what’s happening in her former church. In the current church they are, “between pastors at the moment.” Knowing that quite a few pastors have been coming and going in that church for well over twenty years, I asked her what happened to the last one, a young man who’d been there only a couple of years. He took a church-ministry promotion within the denomination.

I know nothing about this man, but I do know that young pastors in church ministry can be every bit as ambitious as young men in the secular world. They can be highly-focused, goal-oriented … a couple of years here, five years there, etc; what I call ‘the moving-forward, moving-up’ mentality. And all such moving usually takes place without the moving of the Holy Spirit on that person’s life.  As I read somewhere once, the changing of pastors is often driven by careerism, disguised by all kinds of reasons. One of the great disguises comes with the use of Christian-speak, “I feel the Lord is saying to me…..leading me to…..prompting me to…..” Who dare argue with someone who says, “I feel the Lord is…..”?

I visited a church one time and was told that the pastor was in Africa, “he has a great burden for missionary work.” A couple of weeks later the pastor repeated those words to me, so I asked him, “where is your mission field, is it here in this church or is it in Africa?” He did not like that question – or me, for asking it. But the question needed to be asked. Spiritual immaturity was quite discernible in his own congregation of about fifty people, as it was for the elder filling in for him at the pulpit. Perhaps spiritual immaturity was/is the issue in the life of the young pastor too. The Christian sister was very gushy and glowy over the interim pastor, “Oh he speaks with such power, I couldn’t but help look around the fellowship and think, ‘this is what’s needed.'”

I know something about the lady’s church, and it is true that, “this is what’s needed” but I do not believe her congregation is going to get it regardless of who goes there as pastor. Why not? They do not want to go beyond their spiritual comfort zone. That’s the history of the place and it has been for about a hundred years. The denomination accepts the gospel of repentance and baptism – and most of them have these, but they do not accept the gospel of baptism into the Holy Spirit Acts 1:8; 2:4. Like most, this denomination is happy to settle for the knowledge that their sins have been forgiven and washed away by the blood of Jesus, but they do not want to know about the Holy Spirit’s holiness and His call for them to be delivered from the sin principle.

In other words, even though they are fully aware that, a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, Galatians 2:16, they do, nevertheless, demonstrate a preference for the works of the law. The natural progression to follow always becomes evident sooner or later; the works of the flesh Galatians 5:19-21. Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, licentiousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, contentions, jealousies, wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, envy … all of them are hidden there and have been for years regardless of who sits in the pews and who stands in the pulpit. Personally I believe the spirit of Freemasonry is a ruling spirit of her church; it has leaped from one generation into the other and will continue to do so.

The people at that church, including the pastors, have always been happy to speak of the devil and his angels Matthew 25:41. But if you were to suggest that many of them too were in danger of hearing Jesus saying to them, Depart from Me, you cursed….. they would cast you from their midst. It’s one thing for Christians to know how the devil and his demons operate through people in the world system, but to suggest he operates through people in the church in the exact same manner, is too much for them to handle. That’s why they’ll label you a heretic, intensify their religiosity, get busy with “outreach” (until they see no results) and get caught up in a million and one other things … anything to kid themselves that they’re the real deal.

Speaking of people kidding themselves that they’re the real deal, my Christian sister then told me of the happenings in her former church. I know something of that one too. They too, change pastors at a rate of knots. The holy ones have never stayed long in that place, but neither have the not-so-holy ones in recent years. For the former, I believe that under the Holy Spirit’s leading they chose not to fight the will of the elders and people and simply moved on. For the latter, I believe ambition, coupled with the-grass-is-greener-on-the-other-side mentality has been the reason they didn’t hang around. In reality this lot are not pastors, they’re hirelings. They have no concerns for any church, only for themselves John 10:13.

This particular fellowship has apparently remodeled the front of their building recently, “to make it more appealing for those in our area who are seeking.”  They are very proud of their efforts and my sister has yielded to their enticements to, “come to the opening celebrations.” I informed her that no matter how appealing the front of the building may be, it has no appeal for the holy Trinity of God. Spiritually, the place is dead, as are the people. Once again I believe the ruling spirit to be that of Freemasonry. I grieve for the seekers, should there be any, because should they stay, they will become conformed to the image (and the imaginations) of the group rather than to the image of Christ Romans 8:29.

Freemasonry is one of the oldest and largest fraternal organizations in the world. As solid foundations for a man’s life and character, Freemasons have adopted the principles of integrity, goodwill and charity. When a man becomes a Freemason he will strive to be a good, moral, ethical, honorable man, showing justice, loyalty and concern for all people, especially those less fortunate and in need. All of it being done irrespective of cultural or ethical background, or any differences in social standing or education and irrespective of one’s religious beliefs. It all sounds good, true and noble, but in spiritual reality, Freemasonry is Godless and demonic and has done great harm to thousands of church fellowships around the world. Why?  

A Christian man who becomes a Freemason is required to ignore the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as God, Lord and Savior. Freemasonry teaches that a man is saved and goes to heaven as a result of his good works and personal self-improvement. A Freemason is required to believe in the existence of a Supreme Being but also to believe that there is only one God. They refer to Him as the Great Architect of the Universe. They say all the different religions worship the one God; that’s why a Freemason can be a Buddhist or a Jew or a Muslim or a Christian, or whatever. But if you’re a Christian, you “don’t push your God” onto others! The Triune God of the Bible is rejected in Freemasonry, therefore, so is the doctrine of the deity of Jesus Christ.

That’s why Christian Freemasons don’t invoke the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in their praying. To do so would contradict their principle of tolerance. At the highest levels of membership, Freemasons are devil worshipers – Luciferian worshipers. At the lowest levels of membership, Freemasons have little to no idea of what they’ve really become involved in. Sadly too, the Christians among them have little to no idea of Who the Lord Jesus Christ is and little to no idea of what the Lord’s Bible says – especially about taking oaths and swearing allegiances to false gods. Worse: When the spirit of Freemasonry enters the church it will do everything in its power to lessen the power of the word of God.

Men of influence in any community are mostly Freemasons, many of them associated with churches – reverends, businessmen, lawyers, judges, policemen, politicians etc. Such men will accept what is appealing and understandable from the Bible, but because they already see themselves as men of character, doing good unto others, pillars of society etc; they’re not going to allow any pastor, elder or church “to push this thing too far.” They will embrace the carnal, theology, education, psychology, church programs, eloquence, reasoning and legalism … but they will never embrace the opposites: the spiritual, revelation, discipleship, discernment, supernatural direction, the walk of faith or biblical love.

Spiritually immature and naive Christians look up to such men in the church and they will readily side with their influences more so than with the Holy Spirit’s influences. When that happens the Holy Spirit will step aside in that place. What to do then? Every Freemason, practicing or not, must know what the One and Only holy God Almighty says to him – His name is Jesus. And Jesus has only one book whereby He reveals Himself – the Bible. The Freemason must know that he is not a blessed man, he is a cursed man. He has brought this curse upon his wife, plus his family, perhaps to the third and fourth generations Exodus 20:5; Deuteronomy 5:9; Proverbs 3:33. Is it any wonder so many within die early or suffer long with chronic sickness and disease?

There is only one way the Freemason can have that curse lifted from himself and his family. He must humble himself, turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, repent of all his sins, then renounce and revoke Freemasonry. Freemasonry is an offense to God! Someone says, “but there are no longer any Freemasons in our church, they’re all dead.” It doesn’t matter. The spirit of Freemasonry that once resided in the fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers now resides with their descendants. If those descendants are in the church, the spirit of Freemasonry is there too, ruling under the guise of goodness, morality, ethics etc – all of it works of the law and works of the flesh; none of it works of the Holy Spirit.

That’s why most churches around the world reach a certain level of spirituality, but never to the level whereby the Holy Spirit can have full reign. The people don’t want the Holy Spirit’s full reign in their individual lives, so it’s not possible for things to be any different in that church, regardless of how powerful the interim pastor preaches, regardless of how true it might be that, “this is what’s needed” in the fellowship.

The pastor who is willing to stand up and speak up and deal with the spirit of Freemasonry in his church and, help his people get delivered from it regardless of how many members he loses along the way, is the only one who can ever take his church to the level of spirituality the Holy Spirit desires. Presently and sadly, such pastors are rare. “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven” Matthew 7:21.

© 2012 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. “…It’s one thing for Christians to know how the devil and his demons operate through people in the world system, but to suggest he operates through people in the church in the exact same manner, is too much for them to handle…”

    We Christians somehow believe the spirit of religion, which I believe is the ruling principality over America, only works outside the church and never on the inside of it. And of course, that makes no sense at all. Why would the spirit of religion spend much time with nonbelievers? Hello. Most of them don’t care!

    Good post.

  2. One reason pastors are “led” to missionary work is because it is easier to teach beginners than those who ask more advanced questions and hold the leader to a higher standard.
    On another note, it is more acceptable in the world today to be moral than it is to seek righteousness. One has no definition, the other divides.
    At an event this weekend we met a “devout” and active church member who recently retired and now has time to be a Mason. It is true that the path to hell is paved with good intentions. But judgement is based on fruit and not upon intent.

  3. Thanks Roger, for sharing about Freemasonry. I really didn’t know much about it, although I have heard of it before. I’ve also heard of a group called Shriners (?) and wonder if it’s comparable, where they do good works, but don’t follow Christ.
    God bless you as you bring understanding and help to those who would want all the Holy Spirit has to offer, in their church and in their lives.

    1. Yes, Debbie, the Shriners are part of them. As I understand it, to be a Shriner, one must be a Freemason. In any case, you’re right … they have no interest for Christ. Bless you & thanks.


  4. Thanks for an enlightening article about the religious side of Freemasonry. Until recently, I knew very little about the Masons; then I found out that my local Politician was a Freemason, whilst reading about all the scandals that he’s been involved in, in the past.

    1. Hi Jonathan

      There are very few men in public life who are not Freemasons and whilst they’re not all involved in scandals, their ‘Great Architect’ is not the One True God – the Holy Trinity: Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Therefore, there’s no room for their influences in the biblical church. If they won’t repent of and renounce & revoke their involvement with Freemasonry they should be removed from the fellowship. It’s a rare church who will try that on, however.

      Thanks for your comment, Jonathan


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