Recently I read this statement: Most people are highly reluctant to admit that they have been conned or have shown poor judgment. In 28 years of studying human nature I find that to be a perfectly accurate statement. So accurate in fact, that I believe it to be the number one reason why the grandest lies & evils have been allowed to continue in the world, never being discerned, seen or understood for what they truly are – lies & evils. And if history is any indicator, they never have been. I think of the 1930’s warnings Winston Churchill brought to his nation regarding Adolf Hitler and his lies & evils. The British people called Churchill the madman, not Hitler!
Most people like to think of themselves as being on the ball, sharp as a tack, ‘you could never pull a fast one on me.’ What they don’t realize is it’s that kind of thinking that the perpetrators of lies & evils take full advantage of. Others can never imagine such lies & evils exist and are shocked to discover the truth later. Hitler said it best, “….in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.”
Continuing: “It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.” Which brings me now to conspiracy theory. Yes, I have joined the ranks of the very few in this day and age who believes in the conspiratorial view of history. I believe that major world events such as war, terror, starvation, famine, financial collapses, recessions and depressions, government coups, global warming/climate change-fear, are all meticulously planned – they’re not accidents.
It also means I’ve joined the ranks of those laughed at, mocked and ridiculed for holding this belief. “Where’s the evidence?” they say, without looking for any themselves – much of it right under their noses if they’d bother to do some serious prayer, study and research on the subject. It has been said that there are two theories of history. Either events happen by accident not planned nor caused by anyone – or – they happen because they are planned and caused by someone. I could accept the former theory if they were “one-off” historical events, but they are not, they repeat themselves. Only an idiot fails to learn by his errors … these people are not idiots, they know what they’re doing – always do – always have done.
Media & television journalists, politicians and financial “experts” often amuse me; so smug and cock-sure are most of them with their political and financial predictions, but when those predictions are wrong they’re very reluctant to admit that they have been conned or have shown poor judgment digging deeper holes for themselves in their attempts to lie and squirm their way out of them. However, journalists, politicians and financial “experts” are not my concern for this post; it’s the people who hang off every word they say, who concern me. Not only that, but it is people who witness to me the truth of the conspiratorial view. How come? They don’t believe there is such a thing.
In other words, when the majority of people in the world believes something to be true or not to be true, I believe the exact opposite … basing it on the fact that the world does not stand for truth in any way shape or form – never has – never will. I base it also on the fact that most people are followers, not leaders. Most do not think for themselves, they let others do their thinking for them. Somewhere else on this blog I’ve written: some people think, others think they think, but the majority of people would rather do anything but think. Somebody says that’s harsh and arrogant. I can’t be concerned with such labeling; truth is all I’m concerned about … anything else places you in invisible chains of ignorance and darkness – and hell on earth.
Skepticism and cynicism rule the day wherever one cares to look. It is the natural by-product of ignorance and darkness; it’s the pay-off for such. If people stopped disbelieving, doubting and wavering and began to give serious thought to the possibility that there may be some other explanation for these events and then allow themselves to become teachable and informed they would place themselves in healthier positions to manage their lives rather than mis-manage them when becoming victims of lies & evils. Some of the best brains belong to people in top levels of government and banking. It simply makes no sense that they are blunderers when so many of them run/ran highly successful private businesses and corporations.
These best brains of the world know that human beings have a herd instinct; preferring togetherness rather than isolation. In other words, our preference is to operate our lives through groups. Hence we congregate in communities, towns and cities and we join churches, clubs, unions and affiliate with political parties … and we follow leaders, allowing ourselves to be influenced by them – they do the thinking for us. So what do the best brains do? They control the masses by controlling the leadership of the groups – classic Marxism. As someone put it, “we control the population by controlling the power-centers of society.” That’s the Marxist strategy, it has never changed; they are on target to fulfilling their dreams of a New World Order.
These Marxist people at the highest levels of government and world banking see themselves as the elite of the world – lords and masters. They belong to Secret Societies, such as the Freemasons … that’s only one organization, there are numerous of such all over the globe – all connected or inter-connected, working towards the same thing. Their plans and goals to control the world are long-range. The most influential of them “in the know” (many are not) deny they’re they have such plans and goals for world control, but we know they lie when they speak of the need for a New World Order. One of them from long ago said, “we deny with our lips what we are doing with our hands.” The gullible public is not their concern; they concentrate on society’s power-centers.
We’ve been conditioned for this. People often talk about the good-old days and they yearn to go back to them. “If only things were like they used to be,” they say. Problem is, people have been saying that for hundreds of years … except the elite! We can forget about it, it’ll never happen. Up ahead, the world is going to experience not just control, but the absolute worst of governmental tyranny, economic tyranny and religious tyranny. We’re already being controlled … how to live, what to say, what to do, our money, the media, all governments, all political parties, all educational institutions, the mainstream churches, corporate and small business, the police, the armed forces – all of them now not only under the influence of the elite, but under control of the elite.
Not only do the Marxist/Elitists play upon our gullibility, but they look upon us as incapable peasants or serfs who need to be told how to think and what to do. However, when we look into the New Testament Revelation of Jesus Christ and learn how the New World Order all pans out, we discover that the truly gullible ones in all this happen to be this crowd. We see that they do eventually achieve their plans and goals like Lenin and Hitler achieved theirs, but just like them, they too come to a sticky end. They all end up in hell, along with every other Marxist/Elitist gone before them. Proverbs 12:15 tells us, the way of a fool is right in his own eyes. They see us as fools, God sees them as fools!
One reason God sees them as fools is because, at the very highest levels in those Secret Societies the initiated are Luciferian worshippers. They knowingly bow down and worship Satan the devil. They despise the one true God and the Lord Jesus Christ, God Incarnate. They have nothing but contempt for Him. Yes, they pay lip-service to God, they walk in and out of churches with a Bible in their hands, they quote from the Bible, they moralize from it, they swear oaths upon it, they’ll do anything with it if it helps them meet their objectives. But the practice of truth is never their objective, only the practice of lies & evils for self-gain and world domination … it’s never been any different down through history.
It saddens me to know that just around the corner I’m going to witness on a massive scale, a fulfillment of Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. And Christians will be not be exempted from it either. I’ve been warning some to stay close to the Lord, seek Him for daily guidance and be wise with their finances, because there’s a planned financial collapse coming which at best could put them out of work, at worst they could lose their home. They don’t openly laugh or mock, but they don’t believe me either. The other day someone said, “Collapses happen, but they always right themselves; where’s the evidence that they are planned?” One rarely finds what one is not looking for until it’s too late.
Sad it is when discussing this with gifted, talented and intelligent people how quick they are to acknowledge the effects of things like financial collapses when they get touched by them but that they never stop to consider the possibility of a source behind the cause. Pride and haughtiness do appear to be stumbling blocks, along with skepticism and cynicism. Fatalism is playing a major role in all this too – “if it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen – nothing I can do about it – it’ll be what it’ll be.” What a lie that is! And what a mockery it makes of God, who declares the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done Isaiah 46:10. In other words the lies & evils will come to pass but we don’t have to go down with them.
What to do then? Admit that you are just as susceptible to being conned and showing poor judgment as everybody else. That’s the first step … and the second is similar. Admit that you are not on the ball, nor sharp as a tack and accept the fact that these Marxist/Elitists have already pulled a fast one over you – so fast and fastened, in fact, that nobody but God Almighty in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, is capable of pulling you from their clutches – especially when God Himself releases these people into doing the very worst that has ever been done in the entire history of humanity. “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20. “They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind……..” Hosea 8:7.
© 2012 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
If you would have just written that Satan is opposing us, everyone would agree. But if you suggest that Satan has human agents doing his will, then you’re over the top.
Good post.
Thanks, Larry … such blessings & liberty for the one who’s over the top! Don’t care whether they agree or not.
Amen, Roger, Just posted today on Amazing Grays Ministry that time is running out and many choose to believe the “salvation lie.”
Any financial wisdom to share in this time?
True, Lynn … they choose it don’t they? The only financial wisdom I have is to place every dollar into the hands of God and, He can look after it or, He can take it all away. I’m sure He’ll make better use of it than the “experts” regardless of how it may look to the contrary in the natural. I have faced that test numerous times and the Lord has never let me down.
Thanks & blessings to you
Thank you , Roger, for warning us and informing us and delivering such timely needed messages. Praying for His peace and protection for you, as you do all that He calls on you to do. God bless you!
Thank you, Debbie … I’ll gladly take those prayers! God’s blessings on you too.