During his sermon a few years ago, the pastor said, “There are those who seem to delight in taking pot shots at the church.” Not only was he making reference to criticisms from the unbelieving world, but also to practicing Christians. He was new to this particular fellowship so he then spent a little time sharing with us his beliefs on what the church stood for. When he had finished it appeared to me that this pastor’s beliefs were more those of his teachers at Bible College than his own. Whilst what he shared was true about the church, like so many of his peers in church leadership, we only got to hear part of the story…..not the full story.
We heard lots about God’s love and forgiveness for His people but nothing about His demand for righteousness and holiness. He frequently made mention of the Holy Spirit as our Comforter but failed to make mention of Him as our Convictor. Again, the pastor spoke of the Spirit as our Guide, but he did it in a way that one could be forgiven for overlooking that He is our God. In later sermons he often spoke of the fruit of the Holy Spirit but never the power of the Holy Spirit. When it comes to the Holy Spirit expressing Himself in the Lord’s people, a time was to come down the track when his stated theology on the fruit of the Spirit was more accurate than his living it.
Some years earlier I had cried out to God asking Him to reveal to me from the Scriptures a grander picture of the church than the one I presently had. Since becoming a Christian I had been blessed with much time for prayer and Bible study, but a lot of what I had taken on in my studies were the theological opinions and viewpoints of others. In other words, I accepted what I was hearing and learning from preachers and teachers pretty much without question as to where they fitted into the grander picture. What I was discovering soon after that prayer was when it comes to the Scriptures, everybody has something to say but not everything to say. The problem is far too many of them believe the exact opposite.
Again in other words, when it came to certain doctrines of Scripture, I was learning that some leaders, groups and denominations gave them no place while others gave them the place. I was coming into some understanding that there are very few seekers personally seeking truth from God for themselves in the church. Their preference being to take what was being taught at face value, without much questioning. I had experienced church leaders who had declared themselves to be “the fathers” of the church … leaders who declared they were, “the human face of Jesus Christ to you.” It was those declarations, plus the unquestioned acceptance of them by their people that caused me to seek the Lord for the grander picture.
So by the time I encountered this particular pastor, God had well and truly cemented in my spirit the importance of giving each doctrine a place, but to keep them balanced and in relationship to one another. As time goes by I am noticing increasingly the unwillingness of many Christians to accept the reality of this truth. I once spoke with a church leader about the over-emphasis of their doctrinal teaching and he said, “Well we believe that we’re being faithful to what God has given us.” Right there in his own church he just could not accept that perhaps my message was from God too … Him wanting to add more to what He had already “given us.”
I have learned the truth of Jesus’ words about the prophet (messenger) not being accepted in his own environment Luke 4:24. The “them & us” or “laity & clergy” mentality does not, cannot, and will not accept such a reality. Yet, at the same time they elevate the saints and martyrs of old to high heaven. Truth is, if those folks were around today they would be rejected every bit as much as they were in their own day. Another truth I’ve learned – these same men and women who refuse to accept that God could be speaking through one of their own are the very first to speak out against Christians for, “taking pot shots at the church.”
They do not stop to ponder if God could be speaking … I’ve never heard one say they would give some prayerful thought to what was mentioned and come back to chat later. Usually, just like the cults, some respond by vehemently shaking their heads at such suggestions while others respond with a false smile coupled with “appropriate” Christian-speak. I have found that some of the greatest blessings to be experienced from God have come as a result of being willing to be open for whatever He may want to add to what I think I already know. Part answer to my prayer for the grander picture came by way of the Lord putting some large books into my hand written by various respected theologians.
I have been mightily blessed by the graceful way in which a couple of these men have addressed opposing viewpoints to their own. They have explained their viewpoint, then faithfully and accurately explained the opposing one, and then followed through with explanations as to why they’ve taken the stand they have … with great honor and respect always being given to their “opponent.” What have these men taught me? They have taught me to live in the question with God. In other words, unless something is grossly off the doctrinal track, it does not get discarded it gets added to what I believed I already knew – expanded, made more well-rounded.
Before studying those works, I held each one up to God and I said, “Lord, over the years You have taught me heaps. But I am willing to let everything go so that You can start with me again if You wish.” I haven’t had to let anything go. At the same time, what a blessing it was (and continues to be) that what I thought was the picture, is in reality only a part of the picture. So when I hear some doctrinal teaching that I’ve not heard before I am not threatened by it, I simply live in the question with God and if He adds it, I take it … if He doesn’t, I don’t. But I don’t throw it out. It may come back somewhere up the line.
What a liberating stand the Holy Spirit of God has enabled me to take as a result! He has opened/is opening my mind and spirit to the reality that God cannot be contained by any fixed beliefs about Him and His word – apart from the fixed doctrines of salvation, water baptism and the Lord’s Supper. In other words, there is no other way to get to God the Father except to come through His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ John 14:6. Everyone who comes to Him must then get water baptized Matthew 28:19 and, participate from time to time in the Lord’s supper – a communion with Him and with His people. Right here someone says, “Ah yes, but there’s much more to these three things than that?!” Is there? Did God say so, or your theology teacher?
Taking a liberating stand does not imply embracing Liberal Theology. In fact, too often it is the shallow thinking and compromising beliefs of those people that constantly has them getting offended and accusing others of taking pot shots at the church. It is important not to bow to labels here. Not pot shots, but accurate shots should be taken at Liberal Theology – every time. Aim … fire … Bulls-eye! Same goes for Emerging Church Theology and theologies that allegorize and spiritualize the Scriptures at the expense of retaining their plain-sense meanings. Listen to what these people say and it’s not long before one discerns that they have God so fixed, confined and restricted that He can’t move unless they give Him the all-clear. God-in-a-box-theology!
Challenge those people and they too will accuse you of taking pot shots at the church – and worse. Once again, someone reading this post says, “But I have read a few of your posts; what makes you any different? You’re doing the same. I have taken a glance at your What I Believe on this blog and I see that you are no different. You have fixed beliefs too.” Yes. I do. But I’m not asking you or anybody else who reads this blog to accept them. I am not asking anyone to believe a word I say here or anywhere else. That’s the difference. With my blessing you can take it or leave it and we can still be friends. Besides, I’m living in the question with God and am not afraid to have my thinking adjusted.
I am very open to the possibility that I too have a God-in-a-box theology. Could be … but by God’s amazing grace the walls remain ever-expandable and there is now no lid on it … and anytime He wants to, God can blow it to smithereens. What I do know is, unlike some of these religious men and women in church leadership who are doing so, God will not blow His Bible to smithereens. That means if I stay within its confines and maintain a humble, contrite spirit, plus tremble at His word Isaiah 66:2, then under the anointing of the Holy Spirit God will honor and support what I say regardless of anyone who doesn’t. That’s not my promise, that’s God’s promise. I didn’t get that theology from any man, I got it from God Exodus 4:12; Isaiah 49:3 – and so can anyone else.
What to do then? Unless you’ve discovered your church doctrines are grossly wide of the Biblical mark, don’t throw out what you’ve learned. They most likely do have a place but only in the grander picture. Simply hold on to the reality that there is more to add to what you already know. Your leaders won’t do that but you must. As you lay yourself before God He’ll begin to show you. And yes, He’ll probably use God-in-a-box people to show you these additions. But that’s ok; just don’t jump into the box with them. Keep in mind that God has given everyone something to say – He has not given someone everything to say. Live closely with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to become your Teacher.
As you do allow the Spirit free reign, you will realize that even though you’re learning new stuff you will know that there’s even more to learn. You may be blessed to learn it or you may not. But one thing can be certain … you will not be one of those to vehemently shake your head – or – express a false smile with Christian-speak every time someone comes to challenge your beliefs. However, you will most likely be accused of taking pot shots at the church if you should speak out against God-in-a-box theology. Bless them and pray for them; God wants to release them too. “Only fear the Lord, and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you.” 1 Samuel 12:24.
© 2011 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
“Every stream believes it is the one which fills the ocean.” (Country Pastor)
This little proverb seems to apply to the different streams of Christianity also. Each believes it is the only one with the truth. Will this ever change? Yes, when we have no other choice…probably during times of great stress and calamity.
Hi Larry….you are right mate.
The day is coming when our pet doctrines, denominations & “doctors” of divinity will all be cast aside under that stress & calamity. Thanks for reading.
You touched upon something that has been on my mind lately. There is a gal I know who professes to be an avid Bible reader — yet we see many fundamental truths differently. I wondered how can this be the case? It is so important to read in the Bible seeking truth from God. To be willing to let go of what may be false beliefs and embrace what God is speaking to our hearts that my contradict what we’ve learned from the pulpit. If we read to fit the Bible to what we’ve heard from others, the truth will remain hidden. This is the difference.
Thanks for another wonderful post.
Hi Rachel
I often wonder the same thing, but it seems clear to me that the problem lies with reading truth solely through the spiritual lense of someone else. Spiritual bias is rife in most groups, to the point where the Holy Spirit can’t break through. That’s why I love living in the question with God….there’s always more, isn’t there? Perhaps also the Lord allows a few different views on certain secondary issues to keep us humble before Him & one another…..what a church that would be! Thank you, Rachel.