A few years ago I cautioned a young person on the dangers of blindly accepting all preaching and teaching from the pulpit of the church and mid-week home group studies as being that from God. I spoke of the definite need to remain in prayer and to ask and wait for the Holy Spirit to bring guidance and distinctions as to what was truth versus error. I had reason to bring caution because of continuous doctrinal over-emphasis or over-balance being taught in that place, resulting in imbalance, which is error. But, without the Spirit to guide, one would never know the difference. The response was, “But these are lovely people, they would never do that!”
My counter-response was, “Roman Catholic, Jehovah Witness and Mormon preachers and teachers are lovely people too, but their teaching is a mixture of error and truth. It is truth that liberates you, not truth mixed with error – nor lovely people.” How Satan the devil loves “lovely people.” He knows he can do much more spiritual, mental, moral and physical damage to whole groups of people using them than he ever could using “bad people.” When it comes to the need for sound teaching, Christians are often taught that there is safety in numbers. This makes a church with plural eldership more attractive for some than the one with just a single pastor. The belief being that if one elder gets off the biblical track then the others will bring him back. Not true.
If it were true, the groups mentioned above would be on the biblical track too. Besides, “safety in numbers” is not sound biblical teaching. The apostle Paul did not say in Acts 20:29-30 that, “a savage wolf will come in among you……” or, “a man will rise up……” No, but rather, “……savage wolves……” and, “…….from among yourselves men will rise up……” Again, it is not, “……by which he lies in wait to deceive……” Ephesians 4:14, it is, “……by which they lie in wait to deceive……” The apostle Peter speaks in a similar manner in his second epistle, as does the epistle of Jude. There may well be one strong man in the group exercising greater influence and control and extremely skilled at making spiritual mince-meat of the rest of them, but generally wolves (spiritual and natural) hunt in packs.
There are other things that disturb me about “lovely people” in churches. They are fond of quoting Hebrews 10:24-25, “……let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much more as you see the Day approaching.” From my experience though, the emphasis has not been on that of stirring up love and good works, nor exhorting one another, nor being concerned about the Day of the Lord being near. The emphasis has always been simply on not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together. So powerful is that Scripture in the minds of most Christians, they wouldn’t dare miss a Sunday service.
Protestants are quick to criticize Roman Catholics for claiming it a mortal sin to miss Mass on Sundays, but that same thinking is rooted deeply within them too, if only by another name. They love to talk about fellowship too, but from my observations, some appear to simply use it as a time to be smugly self-congratulatory about doctrinal understanding and to ensure everyone else is on the same spiritual page. And, should men switch the conversation during “fellowship,” it will usually be onto work, the football or some other popular seasonal sporting game. If it is women, they’ll talk about their work, homes, clothes, food, the kids, and/or grand-kids. The time of “fellowship” could be on anything at all, but usually it is not on the practical realities of the biblical Lord Jesus Christ as He reveals Himself in the Scriptures.
It is my personal belief that “lovely people” quote, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together…..,” more as a means of controlling their people, perhaps too ensuring a steady financial flow so as to support their ministerial positions, their homes, motor cars, church buildings and property. I do not believe “lovely people” ever quote 1 Corinthians 14:26 and mean it. “How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.” In fact, ever since I’ve been a Christian I have never witnessed the out-working of that Scripture being freely expressed in a church gathering, whether the eldership be singular or plural.
I’ve been in fellowships controlled by “lovely people” and during or just after worship, members were encouraged to bring forth what they believed was a word to them from the Holy Spirit. But before they could freely do so, they had to go forward and whisper into an elder’s ear what they had. He then made the decision if it was to be shared or not! Some didn’t get to share. Not long after that, the “encouragement to bring a word” ceased. When it comes to being threatened, “lovely people” will quickly act to protect themselves just as much as “bad people” will. They will not hesitate to ignore verse 29 and judge before the prophets speak!
I have no problems in “forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” at this present time. I asked the Lord to show me what was on His heart about the church and what He wanted me to say and do about. See my post: “I Wanted to Know the Subtle Differences.” There is no way I could hear from the Holy Spirit in the manner in which I have and am if I was still among “lovely people,” regardless of who they are. I fully realize that this will be seen by some as arrogant etc, etc, but my challenge is: do the same and see what God reveals to you. If you are unwilling to do that, then you forfeit your right to make any judgment. Clinging to the “forsaking” Scripture is not enough for your defense.
There is coming a day soon when God is going to reveal to those who are His own, that they must come out of their man-made religious institutions. Why? Because these “churches” are being led increasingly less by the Holy Spirit, and are becoming more in league with the Mother of Harlots Revelation 17:5. This is already happening to Christians all over the world and it is a tremendous blessing to read the testimonies of those who’ve come out. For the first time in their lives they are hearing God’s voice personally for themselves and like myself, they are astounded at Who He really is plus the freedom and liberty He is imparting to them.
In any case, we are not in violation of the “forsaking” Scripture. Some are in fact, fulfilling it. God is putting us in contact with the spiritually and mentally confused, the sick, the worried, the financially stressed, the fearful, widows in their trouble, old people, strangers…..many of them Christians…..not to speak of those in the workplace. We are seeing the reality of God at work in our midst like we’ve never seen Him in those churches. Mark 16:20 is a daily reality for us, one way or another. God is also telling us to continue to express the freedom and liberty which He’s imparted to us because, “so very few people in the church have it.” For any who doubt this, God invites you right now to ask Him to confirm this as truth for you. See also, Romans 14:17.
Satan, our Adversary is also a far more formidable opponent outside and away from “lovely people.” Inside their institutions he’ll lull you into passively accepting whatever comes out of their mouths. But outside, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit where the rubber meets the road, he won’t hesitate to bring out the heavy artillery. And, if you should become slightly off-guard, he’ll knock you down in a split second. Especially will he do so just after you’ve been mightily blessed in bringing relief or release to someone. Just like Elijah, one day I “gave up” after some intense ministry and I told the Lord that. It’s not the first time I have done this.
Three and a half years ago I had a private meeting with some “lovely people” – elders in my (then) church. They were informed that they were not being led by the Holy Spirit, but rather, the unholy spirit, because of their willingness to lie and deceive the church on a matter. Outwardly it looked like butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths, but when I left them I knew in my spirit that each one was inwardly seething. The spiritual attack came a day or so later. So much so that I lay on the floor, cried out to God and then gave Him back the ministry. Then a great peace came over me. I said, “Lord, I gave it back to You but You haven’t taken it.” It was as though the Lord said, “That’s because it’s not yours to give. I gave it to you.”
Another thing God has shown me about “lovely people.” Although they can be totally un-cooperative and unshiftable once they have made up their minds to doctrinally dig in – come hell or high water – outside of their own circle of influence they have absolutely no influence upon unbelievers. No spiritual authority either – and no power to witness the glory of God. I have observed over one hundred of them together in a room at a function that included lots of unbelievers. All night for the most part, they stuck closely to one another just as they do in their church, having little or nothing to say to anyone else. “No warmth,” is how one observing unbeliever put it. Again, no influence, no authority, no power to witness the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yes, “lovely people” can be lovely people. But when their beliefs, preaching and teaching fail to bring themselves and their followers into true spiritual, mental, moral and physical freedom and liberty, they are really no better than “bad people.” Each of us must personally come before God so as to allow Him to reveal where we are at on this matter. Not one of us is exempt. “Lovely people” or “bad people” – it really makes no difference to God. His sole objective is to transform His true church into “righteous people.” “If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him.” 1 John 2:29. “……let no one deceive you, he who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous.” 1 John 3:7.
© 2011 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
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