The TRUE One True Church

A young man recently informed me that I was, “doing a good job presenting your religious (radio)  program every Sunday.”  Upon thanking him, I asked him if he was a Christian.  Quickly he responded, “Of course.  I am a Catholic!”  I then asked him if he personally knew the Lord Jesus for himself and going by the strange look I was now receiving, I decided to re-phrase the question.  I asked him, “Have you ever personally received the Lord Jesus into your life as the Savior of your soul?”  With a strong expression of annoyance he said, “Yes, I receive Him every time I go to holy communion.”

With that he quickly followed up with, “Ours is the one true church.  Jesus gave Peter the keys of the kingdom, he was the first pope!”  There was nothing new to my ears here of course, there are no practicing Roman Catholic people who would not say the same thing.  The conversation ceased there, but driving home I got to thinking about words and language and communication – or rather, miscommunication.  The young man and I were engaged in “Christian-speak” but we were not communicating. Why was/is that?  The answer is – same words, different meanings.

Take the words receive and received the Lord Jesus.  A Bible-practicing Protestant Christian uses such words in the context of having been first; personally convicted of his sinful state by the Holy Spirit, second; the Holy Spirit awakens his spirit to the reality of his need to turn away from his sin and third; turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for a once-and-for-all deliverance from his sin, and fourth; fully surrender his whole being to the Lordship of Jesus Christ from thereon in.  The immediate result of such a decision means, he is now a new creature, the old has gone, the new has come 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Included, he now becomes God’s property to do with what He will; no more his own property.  As he grows in the biblical knowledge and grace of God, “nobody tells me what to do” ceases to be part of his belief system.  The opposite takes place as he studies the Bible, whereby he lives no longer for himself or any other man, religious system or philosophy.  He only lives to more and more discover and embrace the will of God for his life.  He lives the eternal life in Jesus’ name  – God’s quality of life – not the (man-inspired) religious life.

As a born again Christian studying the Bible, he will also discover within its pages that there is absolutely no New Testament evidence that the apostle Peter even visited Rome, let alone become the first bishop or pope of that church.  He’ll discover as well, that Peter is given no special place of authority in the New Testament.  But he will discover that Jesus treats all apostles as equal in authority and responsibility Matthew 28:16-20.  Should this born again person happen to be a Roman Catholic, he will be most surprised and perhaps shocked to find this out.

But as he continues to yield to the Holy Spirit he will reject all religious teaching that does not align itself with New Testament Christianity.  Roman Catholic or not, he will learn also, that it was James (another son of Joseph and Mary – the Lord’s half-brother), not Peter, who moderated at the only church council mentioned in the New Testament Acts 15:13-21.  Then when he turns to the apostle Peter’s first epistle he will read of him declaring that it is Jesus Christ alone who is the chief cornerstone of the church 1 Peter 2:4-8.  He will find the apostle Paul declaring the same in Ephesians 2:20 cf. 1 Corinthians 3:11.

This same born again Christian will learn that “The One True Church” by biblical definition, is built on Jesus Christ, and all members are those who confess Him as Savior and Lord, just as the apostle Peter did.  In this TRUE One True Church, all members are born again, all possess repentance towards a holy God, all express faith alone to Jesus alone, all seek holiness of life, all hate sin, all love God, all love Jesus and all love His written word, the Bible.  As a result, all will be despised by the religious and non-religious alike.  They will be persecuted, labeled or branded as narrow minded, unloving, fundamentalist and……

No matter how much this TRUE One True Church values and honors its true leaders, absolutely no dependence is placed upon any one of them for salvation, assurance of salvation, assurance of heaven, or – assurance of anything else.  Both the leadership and members of the TRUE One True Church know that it is the leader/s’ job to lead all on to the Lord Jesus Christ and into spiritual freedom and liberty.  To witness each other being set free from all hindrances to growing and maturing in Christ, and being conformed to His image, is the objective of this Church.

The members of this TRUE One True Church know that they do not literally “receive the Lord Jesus” when taking the bread and wine at what is called holy communion or the Lord’s Supper.  But they do know they spiritually eat Christ’s body and drink His blood every day of their lives and that no man, minister, reverend, priest, elder, bishop, or church denomination can ever prevent them from doing so.  Such men can (and do) exercise power over who comes and goes in their religious systems, but they are powerless when dealing with TRUE One True Church members.  Why?

Because this Church is not some humanly designed system, denomination or organization.  It is “the body of believers” – an organism.  It does not depend on nor care too much about buildings, religious forms and ceremonies or holy day observances – nor does its leadership jockey for positions and titles to cement its spiritual authority. The apostle Peter loved this church.  He tells its members that they are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and God’s own special people 1 Peter 2:9.  Most don’t physically know one another in this TRUE One True Church because as members, they are scattered all over the world.

Some members dwell high in the mountains, or low in the valleys and wildernesses of remote areas.  Others dwell high in the sky, or low in the suburbs and slums of the largest cities of the world. They will never know one another this side of eternity. But they have unity, nevertheless! Take a member from remote New Guinea and place him with another member in not-so-remote New York and even though they may not understand the language of man, they will have no problems with understanding the language of God.  They will not argue as to whether the Bible is God’s final authority, they know it is by their daily experience of yielding to the living and powerful words within.

So what about the keys of the kingdom?  It belongs to this church only and to no other.  This is not a matter for argument.  New Testament Romans 14:17 tells us clearly that the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.  No other church has this, so their “keys” are useless.  If they were useful, evidence would be demonstrated in the lives of all their members.  But it is not.  Besides, if they were useful, pedophilia and sexual immorality would not be the problem that it is in the church that claims to be the One true….nor in the religious institutions that make no such claim.

1 Corinthians 4:20 tells us that the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.  Once again, this is not a matter for argument.  Arguments consist of words – volumes of words and the church system is full of them.  But when they come up against the power of God they too become useless – every one of them.  So again, this renders their “keys” useless.  If it were not so, the evidence would be there to inspect.  But it is not. The TRUE One True Church too, is the only one that the gates of hell cannot prevail against.  This is the Church Jesus spoke to Peter about in Matthew 16:18-19.

Yes, Peter was given the keys of the kingdom, as were the rest of the apostles.  But the effectiveness of those keys were and are demonstrated only in the TRUE One True Church that is portrayed in the New Testament and written about in this post.  The reality of this will be experienced in all people who are willing to lay down their lives before God and seek THE TRUTH, regardless of all cost.  For such a person, God Almighty in Jesus’ name, will shift heaven and earth to ensure that this is so.  “Coming to Him as a living stone, rejected by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”  1 Peter 2:4-5.           

© 2010 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. Hi Roger – you spoke some great truths here. So good for others to read.

    Matt 16:17-18 “Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. ”

    Sometime ago – I felt God teach me that these verses mean that is in line with what you said . . . that the church (the true church) is built by the revelation of Christ by the Holy Spirit in our lives. The church isn’t built by man – by flesh and blood, by our ability to convince people of the truth – to save people. God saves, not us. It is built by the Holy Spirit awakening hearts to the the truth – as He awoken Peter’s. Flesh and blood didn’t teach him, the Spirit did – and it is by that method that the true church would be built. And nothing can prevail against that true church. Evil abounds in the church system – and it will overcome it because it is of man – not of God — but nothing can overcome the true chruch which exists in the hearts of those who are united through one Spirit, the Holy Spirit.

    Jesus came to preach the kingdom of God, which is God’s spirit moving into ours and laying claim to our lives – taking over the territory of our souls. I think Jesus is the key to the kingdom. His sacrifice allowed entrance into God’s presence and God’s presence through His Holy Spirit in us.

    What tremendous truths. The true church not about a man or what man has done. It is all the work of God.


    1. As you would know Rachel, one of the true blessings of being removed from the religious system, is that The Holy Spirit sets about to remove the clutter of man’s theological biases from our spirit. For many years I have desired to be able to explain Matt 16:17-18 in simple terms. I agree with you – you are spot on when you say, “evil abounds in the church system.” They’re fond of declaring, “the gates of hell will not come against this church……,” but completely oblivious to the reality that the devil is walking all over them. Gives us lots to pray about. Thank you for your comment.


  2. Thanks Roger for your comments, recently I left a fellowship where peoples dirt was being exposed in the prayer meeting of all places. There is little fear of God these days and still less fear or respect of the Judgement Seat of Christ where every individual will give account of the things done in the body whether good or bad.
    I am at the moment setting up part of my home to use as a fellowship for just my wife an I and have a deep conviction that it is God inspired. Disillusioned by Christian fellowships where biblical instruction is not lived or believed. There is so much occult teaching infiltrating as “Christian”

    1. Hi Michael … thanks for your comment.

      …..and have a deep conviction that it is God inspired.

      I agree with you wholeheartedly. For those truly hungering and thirsting for righteousness there will be no alternative but to do what you have done. Most of these churches (not all) are merely man-centered religious systems. You will not have many who agree with you, but stick to what the Holy Spirit shows you about it in any case. There is a time coming (could be a long time) when some will join you.

      You might find this post helpful too:

      God’s best to you, Michael


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