The month of November is springtime in our part of the world and although it is a most popular season for young people to celebrate their wedding, one cannot always be sure on the day that the weather will deliver what is desired. For most of us that includes no rain, a comfortable temperature, coupled with a fine, sunny sky. I’m not so sure that this was the greatest desire for my youngest daughter on her November day, but it was a strong one for her father! However, it was wet and cold during the week leading up to it and the Saturday was forecast to be the same.
Our city was experiencing over ten years of drought so the rain was a welcome sight – but not on my daughter’s wedding day, so I prayed for a day just as described here. Everywhere I turned I heard people saying, “it’s going to be wet and cold on Saturday.” Not only did I hear it on the radio and television but it was coming out of the mouths of all whom I met that week. Christian preachers and teachers are fond of telling us, “you get what you speak.” And we who listen to them, whether we believe it or not, are fond of nodding our heads as we respond with our, “Amen.”
It is a biblical truth, we do get what we speak. But I was not prepared to allow my spirit to receive that Saturday weather forecast, regardless of who said it or how obvious it looked to be when gazing out through my window. On the Friday afternoon I was sweeping up leaves in the courtyard and I looked up to view a small blue patch in an otherwise dull sky. At the same time, I received a mental picture of Jesus standing up in the boat telling that storm to be quiet Mark 4:39. The Holy Spirit then said, “Are you willing to stretch to that?”
Immediately I said, “Yes Lord. I am.” What the Spirit meant was, would I exercise His faith and rebuke the forecast, the clouds, the rain and the cold? Sweeping leaves is not a job that usually puts a smile on my face, but after that encounter I found myself doing it a lot that afternoon. Later, the clouds regathered and the rain came down. Things looked worse than before. I have learned that whenever God gives a word of wisdom, knowledge and the gift of faith to go with it, the devil will not long after move in to try and steal it by filling the mind with doubts, followed by unbelief.
All that night and into mid-morning Saturday I was given plenty of opportunity to receive & believe the devil’s lies, but thanks to the power and reality of God I refused to yield. I was washing a few dishes around 10.30 am when I looked out westerly to see very dull skies, so I rebuked them in the name of Jesus and commanded them to leave. Then I called forth the sun to shine. I walked over to another window looking out southerly and did the same thing. I believe I can still “see” the Lord smiling at my commanding the sun. Naturally, if the clouds and the rain obey Him, where else can the sun be?!
My daughter and I were driven to the church at 1.45 pm. From around 11.30 am, there were clouds to be viewed, but they were white. The rain was nowhere to be seen, the sun was shining brightly and the temperature, whilst not hot, was pleasant. The blessing of God was very evident – but only to those who believed – and they were few. There were in access of one hundred and twenty practising Christians at the wedding reception, so I shared the event as a testimony at the start of my speech. I looked into faces, nearly all of whom expressed indifference. Even our “unbelieving” friends and family were more open to what was shared.
One Christian married couple came at the end of the night to share that their faith had been challenged. The wife said, “It’s all there for us in the Bible isn’t it? The problem is, do we believe it?” The bigger problem is, as I see it; are we sensitive to the Holy Spirit, ready to receive, when He imparts His revelation? It’s wonderful to receive His leadings, but how many have I missed? How many do I miss? Added to this problem, in my opinion – if we spent less time allowing preachers, teachers and fellow Christians to develop our theology and more time alone with God and the Bible, we would miss less of His leadings.
That summer, my wife and I were holidaying in a part of our beautiful state of Victoria, renowned for its historical bush-ranger “lookouts.” One evening we decided to get up early the following day and drive to one of those lookouts, high in the mountains. It rained during the night, during the morning and on the way to the lookout. Once again, in Jesus’ name I rebuked the clouds and the rain and commanded them to leave. As we approached the area the rain had stopped, but the clouds were overcast – no sun. In the car park it was the same.
It was rather a narrow, rocky track up hill and down to the lookout, but not far from the viewing area the sun moved in very quickly with clouds dispersing just as quickly. Standing on the viewing area itself, not only had the clouds dispersed, but the sun was beating down and it was hot. The view was glorious. One could see for miles in an arc of measure perhaps greater than 180 degrees. We stayed over ten minutes. When we decided to leave, the clouds quickly made their move to close in. By the time we got back to the car and drove away it was once again very overcast and the rain lightly came down.
My wife’s dear, 93 year-old aunt died recently. Although she lived most of her life in the city, she was born in the country and began her nursing career there. Her parents were pioneers of the district, clearing the land for farming, in some of what soon became the most beautiful hills this wonderful state of ours has to offer. Many years ago she purchased her plot in the local, picturesque, hilltop cemetery next to those of her parents and siblings. On the day of her funeral we drove the two hour journey under some of the most hazardous weather conditions seen for some time.
Just over 3 days before she died, Aunty prayed with my wife and I in the hospital and affirmed the Lord as her Savior. Soon after, He arranged for her to come back to her own residence, where she died in her chair, enjoying a cup of tea and the view from her room. All this was clearly a blessing for her, so I asked the Lord if He would continue the blessing by honoring her funeral with fine sunny weather. My prayer was, “Lord, would you deal with this wet, cold, windy weather and cause the sun to shine into her grave please? To me, that sun represents Your visible presence.” I got the impression that God said, “You do it and I will do it.”
So I did do it, driving along as I looked up into those hills. Using similar words as on those previous occasions, I spoke to the weather. I also thought this would be a grand witness for God too, so I told some family members what I had done and what we could expect in just over hour’s time at the cemetery. It was still pouring with rain, so the looks I got were not unexpected! It stopped raining before we went into the church, but started again slightly as we drove to the cemetery. Then it stopped. There was a canopy at the grave-sight, but it was not needed.
At the end of the committal prayer the minster made a decision not to lower Aunty’s coffin beyond ground level. She said it would be a good idea to leave it in view so we could reflect on all that she had been to us in life, as we stood alone or chatting. Just moments before, the clouds shifted and the very warm sun shone down on her coffin and into the grave and stayed the duration of our time – perhaps 30 minutes. I have never heard or seen a minister make that decision before. It was the hand of God upon her and upon all of us who attended – especially those whom I spoke with earlier, if they chose to believe. “……Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” John 11:40.
© 2010 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
This post made me smile – I too sometimes speak to the weather.
We don’t have because we don’t ask – why not ask, show faith and know that we have a God who is powerful to do exceedingly abundantly all that we ask or think.
Why not indeed, Rachel. If only people will ask and show faith (plus have a season alone with the Lord, away from the biases of others) they would experience what you say. I’m glad you speak to the weather too. Thank you.
By the way, I like the new look.
Thank you Rachel. Given that our walk with the Lord is most often a lonely one, it seemed to fit!
As a farmer and rancher rain can play a huge role in what to do or not to do. My habit was to make every decision with the Lord’s input, but this one afternoon a few years ago I was uncertain. So, I asked the Lord to show clear direction by making it rain.
Out of nowhere the clouds gathered together, the wind came quickly, and the rain fell. There wasn’t enough to actually measure before the sun and blue sky reappeared. But, as I told my husband, I had not specified how much rain. I had my answer.
Beautifully written post.
What a beautiful testimony Lynn, thank you. I just love to hear about the reality of God acting in situations such as yours. May He help you sell heaps of your book too!