Sitting with a friend discussing Christianity over dinner recently, he asked me why I was using the phrases, “biblical Christianity” and the “biblical Lord Jesus Christ” when explaining some of my beliefs to him with regards our subject. He said, “I thought all Christian practice was based on the Bible.” If only it was that simple. Once again I was reminded of the time many years earlier when, as a gospel messenger on the streets, I was regularly asked to explain the belief differences between the various denominations and groups calling themselves Christians. Back then a common question was, “Why is there no church unity among you people?”
That was a question I sometimes asked myself before I came to experience the reality of Christ. Not long after I did experience Him though, I began to get a glimpse of why such differences, because when I shared what had happened to me (see my About page) and quoted the Bible to support my testimony, it was the “devout” religious practitioners who turned on me and away from me first. A little later, when studying the Bible I saw that it was the religious people who set the Lord Jesus up to be killed. It was not the junkies, whores and thieves that many religious folk take much delight in looking down upon. With the Lord Himself, I was in good company!
The reason for using the word “biblical” was to draw the distinctions between the “religious” and the “real” and that the real can only be experienced as we take a stand for the Jesus Christ revealed within the Bible alone, plus nothing else. Numerous groups and denominations tell their people that they can only receive infallible guidance from God through their leader/s. Roman Catholicism is not the only religious system to teach this. Many are there who have elevated themselves as apostles and prophets so as to give “current infallible guidance” from God. But the Bible declares all that is necessary for godliness and faith can be found in the Scriptures. The religious spirit rejects that.
Controlling leadership says it is only those in their group who can rightfully partake of the bread and wine and as they do so, it is only then that each person can be sure of his or her salvation. Gathering “around the table together” is spoken of as an extremely important step to holding on to their spiritual security. The Bible shows us however, that our partaking of these elements, the bread and wine (grape juice) do not in themselves impart spiritual life, they simply remind us of both the saving and finished work of Jesus Christ. In fact, it is also a time of celebration, not solemnity, nor is it a time for creating a breeding ground of fear.
Controlling leadership tells their followers that their souls are “being saved” only as they embrace the doctrines and practices of that particular group. They blasphemously teach that God imparts a deposit of His righteousness to those who believe Christ, but not enough for salvation, which means they only become acceptable to God as they continue to strive for their own righteousness through “good works” – that is “works” that meet leadership approval. This lie creates a great and sustained fear within each person, causing them to be ever looking inward upon self, instead of looking upon the Lord Jesus within.
Such teaching and practice is extremely effective, always. The problem is, however, it not only breeds fear in people, but also religious pride, coupled with smug, self-satisfaction. The Bible makes it very clear that we are saved only by the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ Romans 3:22-24; 10:4; 1 Corinthians 1: 30; Galatians 2:21; Philippians 3:9. Jesus fully imparts His righteousness to each one of us the very moment we confess Him as Lord and Savior of our life. Bless the Lord for the late Derek Prince, who taught, “To Adam’s sin we have added much of our own. To Christ’s righteousness, we can add nothing.” Romans 5:17.
There are groups that teach a “doctrine” of Sinless Perfection. That is, their people are promised that in the last days, before the return of Jesus Christ, those within their ranks will have been perfected from all sin – totally sinless! Meaning also, that those Christians not within their ranks, will not be perfected. Now apart from the grievous lie, plus the spiritual and mental harm such teaching creates, it has the blasphemous effect of making their followers church-centered, rather than Christ-centered. They will talk of Jesus, but a serious study of such a “doctrine” shows that they do not speak of the biblical Lord Jesus, the author and finisher (completer, consummator) of our faith Hebrews 12:2.
There are those who teach that only their priest, minister, reverend or (often self-elevated) apostles and prophets are capable of understanding the Scriptures – especially “those deep spiritual truths.” Therefore, the wide reading of books and study materials, plus the attending of outside seminars and fellowships are (in a sophisticated manner) discouraged. Again, it comes back to the “infallible guidance” mentality where only the leaders are capable of leading their followers into truth. In biblical effect, they are bordering on blaspheming the Holy Spirit, Whose job it is to lead us into all truth John 16:13.
Whilst abhorring the embracing of extra-biblical “doctrines” because of the tremendous effect such “doctrines” have upon us in nullifying the living and powerful written word of God, the Holy Spirit, nevertheless, greatly encourages the use of Spirit-anointed books, studies and commentaries for His people. He will make it His business to place these in our hands as we diligently seek Him, in fulfillment of His command for us to study earnestly. We are to present ourselves approved to God as workmen that do not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth 2 Timothy 2:15-16. How else could we “shun profane and vain babblings” which is also His command?
It is nearly always done in ignorance and sustained by fear, but when members of controlling organizations anchor their “faith” upon the so-called “rock” of their church /leadership instead of upon the ROCK, Jesus Christ Himself, naturally they will believe their salvation to be in danger. In fact, worse than that, they can be never sure they have salvation! The demonic religious spirit of control will make sure of it. That is why the people will endeavor never to miss a service or meeting and will experience tremendous guilt when and if they do so. That is why they are so pliable in the hands of such inwardly ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing.
No one man, church, group, organization or system can ever contain or restrain the all-powerful work and reality of God Almighty. And the Bible declares it is His will, plan and desire for all people to come to know Him on a personal basis through the revelation of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. And yes, the Holy Spirit has placed leaders in the church, whom we are called to honor and obey, but only as they commit to leading us to Jesus Christ alone and not to themselves, their doctrines and organizations alone. A test of how effective leaders are in this calling can be observed by how much their people express biblical liberty – especially when in their company.
There are only two churches. One is led by the Holy Trinity of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit using imperfect men and the other is led by the unholy trinity: religion, politics and control, also using imperfect men. To discern which is which is often not easy. In fact, it can be very difficult – even as a practicing biblical believer. Why? Because of the mixture that’s taught in both. In other words, not everything expressed in the Lord’s church is perfect and not everything expressed in religious man’s church is imperfect. That is why we must stick close to the Holy Spirit and His plain-sense-meaning Scriptural revelations. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22.
© 2010 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
Your blog reminds me of the saying,
“Rat poison is more than 99% food and less than 1% poison”
The only way to know the difference between the real and the false is to develop a “taste” for the real unadulterated version! So many doctrines fail what I see as the “love test”…are they acting in love? Is love at the center of what they’re about? If it’s not, then how can God be a part of it?
Gods word isn’t that difficult to understand, but man tries to make it complicated in order to confuse and manipulate people.
“… order to confuse and manipulate people.” True Jeff – they will talk lots about love though – what better way to muddy the waters! Love the rat poison saying.