Romanism Is An Offence To God

Scottish comedian Billy Connolly visited here recently and in a TV interview he was asked if he believed in a god. His response, “…….. I don’t even know if I don’t believe in God – I think the question is too big – but I know I don’t believe in the church.” In reference to horrific revelations of the Catholic Church covering up sexual abuse, Mr Connolly said, “I’m totally baffled by it because if it was, like… Suppose it wasn’t the Catholic Church, supposing it was the army that had been doing that or a company, like Apple, where all the CEOs had been doing it and been covering it up, they would be out of business tomorrow….. They would all be in jail.” Indeed, suppose.

Be angry and do not sin Psalm 4:4. I’m glad that Scripture is there. It gives me the freedom to express anger without sinning when speaking of this perverted and beguiling, man-centered religious Institution that claims for itself to be ‘The Church’  … “The one true Church.” An acquaintance in his sixties walked towards me the other day supposedly muttering in Latin as he gave me one of those 3-fingered left to right, up/down in the air Romanist signs of the cross before shaking my hand. He told me he was once an altar boy in, “The Church” but had not been part of it since then. He is still part of it though and deeply ignorant of truth. Like millions of others, he views Christians and Christianity through the Romanist lens.

English actor and comedian, Stephen Fry, supposedly doesn’t believe in God either – or perhaps he just doesn’t believe in the god of the Romanist church. He recently said, “…….the idea that the Catholic Church exists to disseminate the word of the Lord is nonsense. It is the only owner of the truth for the billions that it likes to boast about, because those billions are uneducated and poor, as again it likes to boast about.” He spoke of the cruelty in Catholic education and the child rape that went on systematically in that place plus the unnaturalness of celibacy and, “the strange thing about this church, it is obsessed with sex – absolutely obsessed with sex.” True. There’s no religious organization obsessed with moralizing like that of the Romanist church.

Since becoming a Christian in 1985, I have noted with interest a few Protestant preachers who strutted their pulpits with Bible in hand obsessively denouncing, adultery/adulterers, pornography/pornographers and homosexuality/homosexuals. Why the obsession? Because that’s what they were into, but rather than admit that to themselves and to God, they thought they could cover it all by moralizing others … screaming and yelling at those not guilty, because they themselves were guilty. The Protestant preacher who is ignorant of, or sees himself as a law unto himself exempt from, … sure your sin will find you out Numbers 32:23 is very unwise. But not so the Romanist preacher; Romanism is a law unto itself! 

That’s what separates them from the Army or CEO’s and executives of Corporate Companies such as Apple. No Court of Justice anywhere in the world will ever get jurisdiction over the Romanist Church. Although Vatican City is the world’s smallest independent State she wields far more political power and influence than the largest of nations. The Vatican itself is untouchable. They might allow a few of their perverted priests to be thrown to the lions, but that’s part of the politics, never a part of purity, holiness and truth. Mr Fry asked his audience, “Do you know who would be the last person to be accepted by the church? The Galilean Carpenter; that Jew. They would kick Him out before He even tried to cross the threshold. He would be so ill at ease in the church. What would He think of Saint Peter’s?”

More: What would He think of the wealth and the power and the self-justification……?” The real truth is the opposite. The Galilean Carpenter doesn’t accept them! The Romanists wouldn’t kick the Lord Jesus Christ out of their church. He voluntarily left it the moment it began to Scripturally deviate centuries ago and He has never returned to it in spite of all their demonic claims to being, “The Church” … ‘The one true Church.’ It is not what would He think of St Peter’s, it is, what does He think of St Peter’s? Jesus Christ is God; therefore, His thoughts are exactly the same as those He had for the ‘High places’ of Old Testament Israel. Because they were the sources of idolatry and immorality, they incurred His divine wrath and He destroyed them.  

Divine wrath, judgment and destruction is on the Lord’s drawing board for St Peter’s. That’s what He thinks of it! One day it’s all going to come crashing down, along with every unrepentant deviant who inhabits it. Ex Anglican-turned-Romanist, Cardinal Manning reportedly said, “The Catholic Church is either the masterpiece of Satan or the Kingdom of the Son of God.” Given that he became one of the strongest supporters of papal infallibility, he obviously didn’t follow through on that most remarkable statement. His contemporary, Romanist Cardinal Newman said something equally remarkable, “Either the Church of Rome is the house of God or the house of Satan; there is no middle ground between them.”        

Had they been serious, it would not have taken either man long to find out which house is which. All they had to do was study the abominable, debauched lives of some of their popes, then compared those lives with the life of Christ, the One Whom they claimed to represent. Or, even a cursory glance into the New Testament would have shown them that the early church believers were not blind-faith worshipers, they were not caught up in buying & selling indulgences, they allowed no room for paganized Christianity, there was no such thing as a celibate priesthood. In fact, there was no such thing as a priesthood except that of a royal priesthood … which includes all believers 1 Peter 2:9.

The New Testament would have shown both men that there’s no room in God’s house for father confessors or confessionals, no room for monks, brothers, nuns, repetitious prayers, and blasphemous rosaries, no room for useless indulgences, nor Co-Redemtrix Mary. Torture racks, dungeons, martyrs burning at stakes, human massacres, inhuman inquisitions … no hint of the One True (New Testament) Church ever desiring to involve itself in such barbaric practices!  Instead, those men would have read of a church leader pronouncing a couple of anathemas or curses 1 Corinthians 16:22; Galatians 1:8-9, and they would have seen them directed only towards Christ-despisers and truth-deniers like themselves, at the top in Romanism.

Did the apostle Paul know in advance that there would one day rise up a false religious system that would place anathemas and curses on all who reject their counterfeit Christ and demonic doctrines? He certainly did! He was an anointed, Holy Spirit-possessed man who didn’t miss a trick when it comes to the ways and wiles of Satan and his love for counterfeit Christianity. True ‘Christ-ones’ laugh when they learn of the anathemas and curses placed on them by Romanism. As I understand it, Romanism has over 100 anathemas within it … so much for the tolerance and love that its moralists love to impose on the rest of us as they pompously strut the world stage decked out in their purple and scarlet robes of iniquity.

Romanist doctrine is diametrically opposed to biblical doctrine. Serious biblical study shows the former stems from hell, the latter stems from heaven. In standing for biblical doctrine, one must reject Romanist doctrine. If you do, you are anathema -‘accursed or consigned to damnation or destruction’. Their anathemas can all be thoroughly studied freely on the Internet, but here’s a few. Baptism: they claim to have the true doctrine, but it clashes with biblical doctrine – rejected. Anathema! Purgatory: they say there remains a debt of temporal punishment to be discharged either in this world or in the next, in Purgatory, before heaven can be opened to us. No such thing, no such place – rejected. Anathema!

Papal infallibility: they claim the pope possesses infallibility which the divine Redeemer willed his Church to enjoy in defining doctrine concerning faith or morals. No such will from the Redeemer -rejected. Anathema! Transubstantiation: They say the sacrament of the Eucharist contains the body and blood plus the soul and divinity of Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole Christ is truly, really and substantially contained. Jesus reduced to a wafer? – rejected. Anathema!  Sacrifice of the Mass: they say it is a propitiatory sacrifice, offered for the living and the dead, for sins, punishments, satisfaction and other necessities. That devalues everything the gospel of Christ stands for – rejected. Anathema!

The Romanist Institution prides itself on being a force for good in the world. The truth is there’s no greater force for bad. The ex-altar boy is not the only one to view Christianity through the lens of Romanism, most people do; that’s why they want nothing to do with the gospel of Christ. That’s why they mock and ridicule the Bible and born again Christians who live according to the Scriptures. A woman was reviewing the ten commandments, and in her bitterness towards God she noted that He had neglected to make pedophilia a crime, therefore, she was guessing it must be ok by Him, “no wonder so many of His self-appointed publicists are child molesters.” Wrong about God … right about self-appointed and child molesters.

Am I suggesting that every Romanist priest, bishop and cardinal are sex perverts, sodomites, child molesters and child rapists? Not at all. But there are plenty of them who are, in Romanist churches in every nation throughout the world. And because the Romanist hierarchy in every nation has spent years and dollars denying and covering up their crimes, you and I don’t know who is and who isn’t. Therefore, in real terms that means we are not able to trust any of them. By failing to tackle their evils according to biblical truth and principles every one of them is tainted now. So, Romanist hierarchy has failed the innocent majority amongst them, not we who speak out against it!

Romanism is an offence to God. In every way it places multiple stumbling blocks between its faithful people and the gift of salvation God freely offers through the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a false religious system saturated with lies, deceptions, non-biblical rules, statutes, laws and obligations and it swamps people with great guilt, fear, worry and anxiety, because deep within they know they’re not measuring up. Romanism makes a liar of God.

We don’t have to go through any man (or woman) to get to God except the Man Jesus – God incarnate. God wants us all to experience Jesus as our highest Representative and our most powerful Friend – through a personal relationship, not perverted religion. How does one go about it? Admit you’re a sinner. Fall to your face. Repent of your sin. Ask Jesus to forgive and cleanse you. If you will, Jesus will. “For whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” Romans 10:13. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” Ephesians 2:8-9.

An additional Read: Who Is This Woman Claiming To Be The Blessed Virgin Mary?

© 2012 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM Australia EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. Roger,
    Our enemy certainly is a clever devil…To of constructed such a convincing counterfeit of what Gods church is truly meant to be! But as you said, a study of Gods word shows it for what it actually is…a “religion”. However, I also want to state clearly my love for Catholic people and my respect for the many dedicated members who serve humanity worldwide. But in my opinion it’s kind of like the old saying…rat poison is over 99.% food,and less than .05% poison but it still kills the rat!

    1. However, I also want to state clearly my love for Catholic people……

      Yes, Jeff … thanks for that. When speaking out against the system, the (faithful) people often think it’s them that are being attacked. That’s not the case, but it’s something only the Holy Spirit can reveal so I leave it with Him.

      Love your “rat poison” statement.


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